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这句隽永而极著名的诗That exquisite and celebrated verse

酒体丰腴,柔和而圆润,回味隽永。Full-bodied, soft and round, with a long finish.

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酒体丰腴,丹宁结实,回味蕴含淡雅的矿物质与香料的清香,颇为隽永。Full-bodied, with firm tannins and a long aftertaste of mineral and spice.

即使长大之后,人们也不会忘记她眼中的那一潭温柔隽永。Even she grow up, we'll not forget the pellucid and meaningful in her eyes.

其作风渐趋平淡致远,具有油腻隽永的空灵美。Its style, with light relocating salo insipid ethereal beauty of lingering.

在艺术上体现出一种清新隽永的田园诗的风格。Artistically, it reflects a delicate and significant style of pastoral poetry.

这类隐喻性动词不仅折射出隽永的寓意,而且创造出生动的形象。Such verbs not only refract pregnant implied meaning but also create vivid imagery.

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也许一点遗憾,一丝伤感,会让这份答卷更隽永,也更久远。Perhaps a regret, moved, can let this answer paper be more meaningful, also is remote.

铂金建筑,无视岁月,隽永弥珍。The platinum gold constructs, taking no cognizance the years, interesting and precious.

一份隽永细腻的爱可以把我们的人生打扮得更加丰富多彩,更加璀璨夺目。A meaningful exquisite love can make our life more rich and colorful dress, more dazzling.

口感饱满,鲜爽而可口,果味丰富,极富平衡感,回味隽永。可作为理想的开胃香槟。Fresh and easy on the palate with full flavors and plenty of fruit, good balance and length.

惠特曼留给我们的更富有感染力、更深邃隽永的启示在于他的大胆豪迈。The more powerful, more difficult, yet abiding lesson of Whitman lies in his outrageousness.

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语言丰富多彩、清新隽永,既富有哲理,又带有浓郁的诗意。Language rich and varied, fresh meaningful, full of philosophy, but also with a strong poetic.

可以轻轻的吟颂,可以默默的品读,意味深长,含义隽永。The Chant can be gently, quietly reading the materials, meaningful, the meaning of Meaningful.

2006年份的这款葡萄酒酸度特别平衡,完整的丹宁,回味隽永。The 2006 Heathcote shiraz also displays balanced acidity, integrated tannins and a lingering palate.

品读隽永不朽的作品,透过名家笔触,感受唯美的境界。Reading Meaningful Commodities immortal works, through the master strokes, the realm of aesthetic experience.

老庄的“大美”是一种微妙玄通、虚形阴柔、静寂空灵、含蓄隽永的审美追求。Zhuangzi's theory "Damei" is about the pursuit of a sense of subtleness , softness, elegance and implication.

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每首词都有词牌,词牌种类丰富,蕴含着隽永的文化气息,有着不同的文化来源。Every poem has the name of the tunes that contains lots of cultural meanings and different sources of culture.

中国优秀古典诗歌往往诗味浓郁,含蓄隽永,其深层意蕴具有不可描述性和不可尽性。Excellent classical Chinese poems are usually elegant and implicit, whose implications are beyond descriptions.

特别是她的情景交融的意境,使作品画面升华为一种隽永的艺术境界。In particular, the scene of her blend of artistic conception, so that works into a meaningful picture of the art realm.