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第一,股权偏好First, in terms of equity bias.

是股权投资的收益性。The yield of equity investment.

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它甚至还宣布了一笔股权回购。It even announced a share buy-back.

您的项目目前的股权结构?。Who are your current share-holders?

所以,你可以答应用股权支付。So, you could agree to pay in equity.

他们将得到多少的股权作为回报?How much equity will they get in return?

通常我们把这个看作是股权认购Typically, we think of it as a stock option.

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你是打算进行债务融资还是股权融资?Do you plan to go for debt or equity financing?

于期内,概无任何购股权遭注销或作废。None were cancelled or lapsed during the period.

对于股东来说,这将意味着股权稀释。For shareholders 33, that would mean dilution 34.

正因为如此,中国开始收购小矿的股权。That is where the stakes in small miners come in.

私募股权行业现在面临着一个关键性的考验。THE private-equity industry faces a critical test.

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私募股权的收购者们你来我往。A succession of private equity buyers came and went.

我们购买了一些菲亚特的股权,马奇奥尼证实了我们的猜测。We bought some shares. He confirmed what we surmised.

前者是一个股权问题,并且政治色彩较重。The former is an equity issue and is highly political.

那么,法律是如何保护股权众筹投资者呢?。How does the law protect equity crowdfunding investors?

如果你们把股权就这么分了,那无疑就做错了。If you apportion equity, you will certainly do it wrong.

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明章成功说服君君将她的新富股权卖给他。Mingzhang convinces Junjun to sell him her Xin Fu shares.

没有人知道什么样的法规能适用于加密股权。No one knows what regulations apply to crypto-equity yet.

出售中金公司股权也具有政治上的敏感性。The sale of the CICC stake also is politically sensitive.