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是的,我知道——那座小桥。Yes, I do – the little bridge.

独立小桥风满袖。Alone on the bridge, wind in sleeve.

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两山溪谷间架有小桥。There are small bridges between two valleys.

西塞山野雁自翔,小桥水泽浸芳园。The wild goose cisse, small water extraction.

一直往前走,直到走到小桥边。Go straight ahead till you come to the small bridge.

他昨天梦见了梓里的小桥。Last night he dreamed of the small bridge in his hometown.

最后这只鸟从一座小桥的下面飞过,接着消失了。At last the bird flew under a small bridge and disappeared.

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而在那些山谷间,朝着深处去,也必然有小桥架设着。And in the depth of the valley, there must be a small bridge.

当他经过小桥时他将包裹扔进了河里And the parcel that he throws across the bridge into the creek

还有横卧水上的小桥,宛若一道五彩的虹。There are recumbent water bridge, just like a colorful rainbow.

走上阳台,却看到傅佩瑶站在楼下小桥上。Walking on the balcony, I saw Fu Peiyao standing on the bridge.

小桥温泉是抛开尘世喧闹的静居胜地。The Little Bridge Hot Spring is a retreat from the worldly noise.

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穿过山门、越过小桥,我们就进入了寺院内部。Going inside and over a small bridge brought us inside the temple.

嘉道理农场的幽谷清溪,台圃和小桥倚傍,环境怡人。Kadoorie Farm's valley stream, with its charming terraces and bridges.

小桥上坑坑洞洞,你得特别小心地走过去。The little bridge had holes in it and you had to walk rather carefully.

这条小路往西延伸,经过一座很窄的小桥,随着山脉起伏。The path runs westward, across a narrow bridge, down a hill and up again.

小桥的旁边,有一条弯弯的小船,弯弯的小船悠悠,是那童年的阿娇。Bridge side, some curved boat, curved boat long, is that childhood Ajiao. Oh.

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校园内绿意葱葱,有小桥庭台,大片草地,阳光充足,是孩子们成长的乐园。Lush green campus, Bridges, large grass court, sunny, is the children's growth.

一个孤独的身影坐在小桥上,梦想并相信着有一天攻占波兰。A solitary figure sits on a bridge, dreaming no doubt of one day invading Poland.

那小桥、流水、人家、活脱脱一幅中国传统的水墨画。The bridge, river and beautiful house looked like a traditional Chinese painting.