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我想,这主要是中西文化的碰撞。I guess I'm having culture shock.

对于中西比较文学来说,危机既是挑战也是机遇。The crisis is not only a challenge, but also a chance.

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芮成钢说,童年时候他就接受双语教育,受到中西文化的影响。As a child, Mr. Rui says, he was bilingual and bicultural.

中西译论因此有了不同的发展轨迹。And their respective development tracks vary correspondingly.

和谐是中西古典艺术家追求的理想境界。Harmony is the ideal state of Chinese and Western classical arts.

香港是中西文化的有趣混合。Hong Kong is an interesting blend of eastern and western cultures.

他们中间的许多人都学贯中西。Many of them are well-versed in both Chinese and Western cultures.

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因此,中西悼亡诗在表现死亡时也显示出不同的风貌。So Chinese and western memorical poetry appear the different style.

这个新设计融合了中西式的优点。The new design compromises the merits of Chinese and Western styles.

在这里中西合璧,完美的组合了。This is really the perfect ideal of Chinese and Western combine style.

提供各类中西画架、镜架、相架之装裱及订制服务。Provides framing service of all kind of paintings, photo, mirror , etc.

追本溯源,这些差异都要归因于中西不同的美学本质。All of the discrepancies are ascribed to the different aesthetic essence.

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中西融合与“文化同化”有着本质上的不同。China-and-West-Merge is essentially different from cultural assimilation.

双方将密切配合开好中西论坛成都第五次会议。In April, the fifth meeting of the Spain-China Forum was held in Chengdu.

中西建筑风格在这里真是珠联璧合。The Chinese and Western architecture styles set each other off perfectly.

这个城市荟萃中西文化,人杰地灵。The city showcases the East and the West and produces outstanding people.

中西悲喜剧的兴衰,与社会价值的变化直接相关。The development of tragicomedy corresponds to the change of social value.

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文章着重就林徽因小说中西文化交融技巧作一探析。This paper discusses on Miss Lin's novel technique-----a blend of Chinese.

我学今日用中西何合璧帮我睇病嘅嗰个医生。I learn from the doctor who have to use chinese and western medical for me.

本文是中西宗教思想比较研究的一部分。This paper is a part of the research on Sino-occidental religious thoughts.