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县级统战工作是我们党统一战线工作的基础。United-front work of a is the basis of our Party's united-front work.

人格魅力是做好统战工作的基础。The noble character' s charm is the basis to do the united front work.

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负责国家铁路青年统战工作和青年社团工作。To be responsible for the united front work for youth of the Ministry.

和而不同,就是一种具有现代价值的统战方法。Thereinto, "Harmonious but dissimilar" is a kind of united front idea with modem worth.

党外知识分子工作是高校统战工作的一项基础性工作。The work of Non-party intellectuals is a fundamental work of a united front work in universities.

本文对廖承志海外统战思想的研究,共分三个部分。In this paper, the study about Liao Chengzhi overseas-united-front thought, is divided into three parts.

第二部分则着重研究社会新阶层统战工作的目的和任务。The second part then talks about the goal and the duty of the united front work on the new social strata.

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随着全党工作重心的转移,统战工作进入一个新时期。With the transfer of the whole Party work's main emphasis, the united front work has entered a new period.

地方校院是地方党外知识分子相对集中的地方,是统战工作的重要组成部分。The place campus is the place non-party intellectual relative centralism place, is the united front work important component.

本文拟就对新形势下的统一战线内部结构的新变化和统战工作如何针对新变化制定对策进行分析。This paper aims to analyze the new changes of internal structure of our united front and its strategies in the new situation.

马克思主义统战观是马克思主义经典作家关于无产阶级统一战线的总的看法和基本观点。Marxist concept of united front is the overall view and basic concept on proletarian united front by Marxist authors of classics.

在这个名单上,6-7个提及的暴行都是统战的战地指挥官或实际上是这些士兵他们一时兴起而导致的,。On this list, 6-7 of the atrocities mentioned were on the whim of the field officer in command or the actual soldiers themselves.

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统战干部只有树立了良好的个人威信,才能与党外人士交朋友,才能做好自己的本职工作。Only when the united front cadre sets up good personal prestige can they make friends with outside the Party and do their own job well.

做好私营企业主的统战工作,使他们沿着健康的道路发展,是当前统战部门工作的一个重点所在。To do the united front work among the owners of private enterprises well and make them develop along the proper way are important works.

非公有制经济领域的统战工作是新世纪统战工作的重点内容之一。The United Front work in the Economy of Non-Public Ownership is one of the important contents of the United Front work in the new century.

其「经济统战」策略,也使台湾陷入「经贸利得」与「国家安全」间的两难境地。Such strategy imperils Taiwan's political autonomy and also leaves the island in a dilemma of "economic prosperity" and "national security.

统战部门要切实做好这方面的工作,引导非公有制经济企业健康发展。The united front working department should do the work well in real earnest and guide the non-public economic enterprises to develop in a healthy way.

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第三部分在前两部分的基础之上,思考了如何进一步发挥统战工作在北部湾经济区发展中作用。The third part of the basis of the first two parts, thinking of how to further develop the united front work in the North Bay Economic Zone in the role.

互联网的广泛应用为高校统战工作提供了新的载体和阵地,也带来了新的挑战。The wide application of Internet has offered a new carrier and channels for university's united front work, and it has brought many new challenges, too.

正确认识宗教信仰者在党的统战工作中的双重品格,对于做好宗教工作具有十分重要的意义。To properly understand the dual character of religion believers in united front work of the Party is of great importance for doing religion related works.