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在标签下方添加编辑框。Add an edit box below the label.

街垒正处在它的下方。The barricade was underneath it.

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点击“菜单”选项下方的右软键。Click the right soft key under Menu.

在主教处所下方的弧线。The arc under the Bishop's Chambers.

房屋下方有地下通道。There is a underpass under the house.

阳台悬于其下方的楼门之上。A balcony overhangs the door below it.

在他下方六英尺的地方有一块大石头。Just six inches down there was a rock.

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请依图中文字输入在下方空格!Please enter the value from the image!

在下方的视频中你可以看到细胞的跳动Watch the cells pulse in the video below.

粪便落入厕所下方的桶内。Feces fall into a drum beneath the toilet.

您将在该按钮下方看到其响应。You see the response right below the button.

点击下方“阅读原文”摇出门票!!!Click the "Read more"to apply the ticket! ! !

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中局魂灵控制设施下方迪斯尼世界。CIA mind control facility beneath disney world.

我跪下来,回身注视着树篱下方。Down on my Knees, I peered back under the hedge.

漩涡能将潜水者往下方拉扯。Whirlpools and eddies can pull divers downwards.

在我看来席卷下方我的脚。Sign your name at the bottom of the page, please.

也可在胸前区下方有疼痛感觉。The pain may also be felt beneath the precordium.

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在切换菜单下方画一个1px的灰线。Draw in a 1px gray line on the bottom of the tabs.

西塔钻过了墙下方的一个浅洞。Sita scraped a shallow cavity low down in the wall.

在极光下方隐约可见密集的云层。Dense cloud cover is dimly visible below the aurora.