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在我们海浪冲刷。Here at our sea-washed.

海滨的细浪刷刷地冲刷着海滨沙滩。Small waves swished on the shore.

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优良的抗水冲刷。Excellent resistance to water washout.

瀑布冲刷着檐口。The waterfall splashed over the eaves.

焦油球继续被冲刷到沙滩上。Tar balls continue to wash up on beaches.

流水将岩石冲刷得像面玻璃,以致于她很难向上攀援。The water polishes the rock "like glass."

冲刷清洁后,闻起去也很甜蜜。Rinses clean and keeps him smelling YUMMIE!

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愿喜事冲刷走我的些须不安。要如何开始?I know whatever I can do, but where to begin?

冬雨是个清洁工,冲刷走世界上的污秽。Winter is a cleaner, washing . the dust away !

在受大海冲刷的沙砾中沉睡。Asleep in the sand with the ocean washing over.

雨点不停地冲刷着房顶,敲打着窗户。Rain rattles the roof and thrusters at the window.

白亮带形成的最重要机理是冲刷机理。The mechanism of white band formation is scouring.

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能够冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间。Apart from tears , only time could wear everying away.

急流沿着山腰冲刷出一条水沟。The torrents scoured out a channel down the hill side.

正在生长的树木下面的森林土壤一般不会被冲刷。Forest soil under growing trees generally does not erode.

他发现到一条被溪流冲刷成的山径,夹在两个岩壁之间。He found a way cut by a stream between two walls of rock.

洪水在山谷里冲刷出一条很深的水涧。The flood has scored out a deep channel through the valley.

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将奋力喷出,冲刷涤荡,灌绿青山和这些山谷。Would gush, flush, green these mountains and these valleys.

翻译大瀑布长年累月地冲刷着巨石。The cataract is flattening the huge stone all the year round.

这深沟险壑真是雨水冲刷出来的。These deep impressions were actually carved out by rainwater.