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你知道量子论是由谁首创的吗?Do you know who originated the theory of quantum?

将量子力学或量子论应用于…To apply quantum mechanics or the quantum theory to.

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是很怪,但不无可能,至少根据量子论就可以。It is, but it is possible, at least according to quantum theory.

八个月过去了,这种外交政策上的量子论面临考验。Eight months on, this quantity theory of foreign policy faces a test.

发展量子论的概念来自光的实验。The idea that drives quantum theory comes from experiments with light.

量子论是一门研究微粒子的物理学。Quantum theory is a branch of physics that deals with very small particles.

早期量子论的玻尔-索末菲规则对混沌运动失效。The Bohr-Sommerfield quantized rule of the old quantum theory has failed in chaotic motion.

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量子论原理对微观世界物理现象的描述仍然是最令人信服的。The principles of quantum theory hold the field as the convincing account of the physics of the microworld.

举个现在被称为哥本哈根诠释的量子论诠释作为例子,它是由丹麦物理学家尼尔斯?波尔提出的。Take what is now known as the Copenhagen interpretation, for example, introduced by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr.

而在极端条件下,广义相对论及量子论容许“时间”如同“空间”的另一维度般运作。Under extreme conditions, general relativity and quantum theory allow time to behave like another dimension of space.

课程包括量子论,经典力学,液晶和薄膜,激光物理学等。Topics of instruction include quantum theory, classical mechanics, liquid crystals and membranes, laser physics, and more.

旧量子论与量子力学在解释原子结构时存在着某些不同的结论。There exist some contradictory conclusions between the old Quantum Theory and Quantum Mechanics in explaining the atomic structure.

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他的最主要的成就在于贝它衰变理论,建立了第一座原子反应堆以及量子论。He is most noted for his work on beta decay, the development of the first nuclear reactor, and for the development of quantum theory.

人们对银河那边存在的宇宙究竟有多大一无所知,辐射能、相对论和量子论更是想都不敢想的问题。There was no inkling of the size of the universe beyond the Milky Way, and radioactivity, relativity and quantum theory were unimaginable.

相对论,量子论和场论中质点模型的失效,应当自然地导致“瞬间”概念随之失效。If particle models become invalid in relativity, then the "instant" concept will lose efficacy naturally in the quantum theory and the field theory.

然而,尽管量子论的正确性在制造日常用品上已得到很好的印证,许多人却忽略了它更广泛更惊人的奥秘。Yet, while the validity of quantum theory is well-established in producing everyday items, many people overlook its larger and more startling implications.

我们认为,在量子论中,瞬间概念和质点模型一样,是忽视物体运动时空形象的理想化结果。This paper gets a conclusion that the instant concept is like the particle model in quantum theory, they are ideal models when we ignore a space-time image of a moving body.

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另一方面,量子力学经过无数人数十年研究发展,成为扩展到亚原子、原子和分子的大小与距离的物理学,相对论和量子论是当今被称为现代物理的基本组成部分。Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, was developed over several decades by many people and is an extension of physics to subatomic, atomic, and molecular sizes and distances.

物理科学一直在探索「真实」,求解「实相」,西方物理科学三大支柱-牛顿力学、相对论与量子论,对此真实有不同看法。The three most significant theories in physics are Newtonian mechanics, relativity and quantum theory. However they have different standpoints on the "objective reality" of truth.

弦论或其相近的理论也许能计算出所有预设的东西,不仅是电子质量之类的量,而且包括时空的存在以及量子论的规则。String theory or one of its cousins might allow the calculation of all inputs—not only the electron mass and such quantities but also the existence of spacetime and the rules of quantum theory.