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我儿子现在能自食其力了。My son can maintain himself now.

这一年来我是一个自食其力的小市民。I'm a ordinary citizen earned by myself all this year.

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他已经十八岁了,所以我相信他完全可以自食其力了。He s eighteen now and I believe he can paddle his own canoe.

他已经十八岁了,所以我相信他完全可以自食其力了。He's eighteen now and I believe he can paddle his own canoe.

但是我仅次于上帝,我是人类的一员,靠自食其力在这里生活。But I am second to a god. I am a human being, alive, due to my efforts.

毕竟人家有点残疾,还自食其力,我应该更加尊重于他才是。He is self-dependence but he is handicapped after all, I should respect him.

在这里,“合法”修车都是一种奢望!如果是你,你还会如此辛酸的自食其力吗?Here, the "legitimate" is a vehicle expect! If you, you will be so bitter it on their.

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美国学生都很喜欢校园工作,他们为能自食其力而感到骄傲。Campus jobs are popular among American students, who are proud of earning their own way.

她父母最后搬到马里兰州和她在一起,但是卡扎迪克已经完全自食其力。Her parents finally joined her in Maryland, but Kazazic was already fiercely independent.

不管你有多少钱,还是要按照自己的方式生活,自食其力,这对减少压力是很重要的。No matter how much money you have, living within your means is vital if you want to avoid stress.

不管你有多少钱,还是要按照自己的方式式生活,自食其力,这对减少压力是很重要的。No matter how much money you have, living within your means is vital if you want to avoid stress.

那些逃亡的小地主也返回家园了。现在,他们以一个普通农民的身份自食其力。Now the small landlords who fled away have come back and are working their land like common farmers.

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为了梁承志能自食其力,她又多方奔走,为他在某酒楼找到一份工作。Can support oneself for the torsel will, she in every way runs, found a work for him in some restaurant.

她说“这并没有什么好觉得羞愧的,他们只是在演绎自己的故事,并且自食其力。”"There's no shame involved or anything, they're just telling their stories and living their lives, " she says.

大部分欧美的孩子对自食其力并且自己决定怎麽花钱感到自豪。Most Euro-American children pride themselves on earning their own money and deciding how to budget it themselves.

他把自己说成是一个勤勤恳恳、自食其力的小商人,深受冷酷无情、扶强欺弱的官僚机构所害。He represented himself as a hard-working, self-made small businessman victimized by mindless, bullying bureaucracy.

如果成年狐獴只对骗不了人的信号才有反应,那么每只动物最后都只好自食其力,再可爱也不行。If adults only respond to an uncheatable signal, each animal will eventually feed itself, in spite of its cuteness.

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如何改造罪犯,使其重返社会自食其力,是各国关心的一个重大问题。How to rehabilitate offenders and facilitate their re-integration into society is a critical issue to all countries.

男人尊重那些自食其力的女人,正如一个华尔街金融男曾给一个想傍大款的美丽女人留下的难忘忠告所示。Men respect women who make their own money, as one Wall Street man memorably reminded a beautiful young gold-digger.

银行的获益,也是本身自食其力弥补未来亏损的关键,以免继续依赖政府的援助。Profitability is also critical to the ability of banks to cover future losses without calling on further government cash.