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什么是槟榔?What are betel nuts?

槟榔碱稳定性较好。And arecoline stability is good.

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槟榔真的会引发口腔癌吗?Can areca cause oral cavity cancer really?

槟榔碱是槟榔的最主要功效成分。Arecoline is the main function component of betelnut.

为了赚钱,她摆起路边摊卖衣服,也卖过槟榔。To earn money, she sold clothes and betel nut1 on the sidewalk.

我在西螺参访了一间叫「赛车公主」的槟榔摊。I visited a betelnut shop called "Car Race Princess" in Shi-luo.

坐缆车上槟榔山。现在的缆车是瑞士产的。The old cable car is replaced by a new one, made in Switzerland.

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我不知道那个荖藤和槟榔的意义是什麽?I don't know what the meaning of the betel leaf and betel nut are.

什么让你决定去拍槟榔西施的?And what made you decide to start taking pictures of betel nut girls?

目的研究四大南药之一的槟榔不同器官重金属汞的含量。ObjectiveTo ascertain the Hg content of different organs of betelnut.

但是槟榔碱单体对INS-1胰岛细胞的研究尚未见报道。However, so far, there was little research of arecoline on INS-1 cells.

如果你够胆量,就试试角落里的那家槟榔摊。Check out the betel-nut stand near the corner, and try some if you dare.

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国内外大量研究广泛证实嚼食槟榔会对健康的带来极大的危害。It has been well documented that Areca quid chewing is harmful for health.

棕榈树如海枣树、槟榔树、椰树、加那利刺葵等等。Palm tree such as date palm, queen palm, coconut, canary island palm, etc.

这间包厢的最低消费是XX,包含酒水在内,除香烟、槟榔外。XX is the bottom lost of this box, include wine , no cigarette, betel nut.

在和毒蛇玩的槟榔小山的顶端的这个发狂的蛇魔术师是!This crazy snake charmer was at the top of Penang hill playing with vipers!

据报道,梅拉华蒂已经被送往马来西亚西北部的槟榔屿一家医院接受治疗。She is now being treated in hospital on Malaysia's northwestern Penang island.

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采用高效液相色谱法测定槟榔花粉中芸苔素内酯的含量。HPLC was used to determine the content of brassinolide in Areca catechu pollen.

槟榔碱、PPVP、DMHPPP和辛伐他汀可以减轻其过量表达。The over expression could be blocked by arecoline, PPVP, DMHPPP and simvastatin.

他将它举在满是麻子的面前,吸入里面芳香的槟榔膏。Holding it to his pockmarked face he inhales the aromatic betel nut paste inside.