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独夫们是凶暴的,但百姓是善良的。Men are cruel but Mper is kind.

独夫们是凶暴的,但黎民是善良的。Men are cruel- but Man is kind.

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音乐有抚凶暴心灵的魅力。Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.

他是个男孩儿的时候,他始终是凶暴的、有仇必报的。When he was a boy he was always violent and revengeful.

约翰粗鲁、残忍、凶暴,却没人惩罚他。John was rude, cruel and violent, but nobody punished him.

有一个凶暴的叫粘发鬼的大怪物住在里面。There is a monstrous demon called Sticky-Hair living there.

导致凶暴的犯罪行为的另一个同类的原因是家庭内的专制主义。Another cognate cause of crime of violence was the family tyranny.

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凶暴的士兵强使孩子离开母亲的怀抱。Children were rent from their mothers'arms by the brutal soldiers.

凶暴的士兵强使孩子们离开他们母亲的怀抱。Children were rent from their mothers' arms by the brutal soldiers.

音乐能平息野蛮凶暴,对不通音律者却无能为力。Music has the charm to soothe a savage breast, but not the unmusical one.

你想听我再次讲述与那凶暴妖女的搏斗?Would you like to hear the story of my struggle against this monstrous hag?

在凶暴攻击中,年轻的天行者差点杀死维德。In the ferocious assault that followed, young Skywalker nearly killed Vader.

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没有爱,一个人将走向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious.

没有爱,一个人将走向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。Without love a person could go haywire and also become cruel and ferocious.

班奈罗的的宣讲智慧带给他的脑袋一记凶暴的愤怒。Benerro's rantings will only serve to bring a savage wrath down upon his head.

黑寡妇除了这一凶暴的交配过程以外终年独居。Black widows are solitary year-round except during this violent mating ritual.

她丈夫的凶暴,辱骂行为将他逼到了几乎绝望的境地。Her husband 's violent and abusive behavior drove her to the verge of despair.

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一旦辛苦一年的成果被破坏,农人必定会变得凶暴。"Farmers could definitely get violent if their year's work is destroyed, " said Atta.

游戏里的英雄是个残忍凶暴的猪族歧视鸟,所以猪肉菜式才更合理啊。The heroes are homicidal, pig-hating birds, so pork recipes would be more appropriate.

通常情况下,这些方针的潜台词是支持当权者,无论他们是多凶暴、多么不得民心的当权者。Usually this has meant supporting whoever is in power no matter how thuggish or unpopular.