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别把我的劝告当耳边风。Don't throw my warnings to the wind.

他把我的话当耳边风。He took my words like a passing wind.

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敢把我们的话当耳边风?Dares ours speech to work as neglected advice?

你究竟做了什么才使得你弟弟把你的话当耳边风。What you did to make your brother tune you out.

他将父母亲的话当耳边风。He takes his parents' advice as a breeze passing by.

不管我们对他说什么,他总是当耳边风。Anything we told him went in at one ear and out at the other.

他把我的话当耳边风,这实在令我生气。The thing that really annoys me is that he did not take my words seriously.

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平时反复提醒要低调低调再低调!总当耳边风。Usually have to repeatedly remind low-key low-key low-key re When the total disregard.

如果你辜负了我对你的期望,胆敢把我的话当耳边风,我就绝不认你这个儿子"If my advice is lost in the wind and you do not do as I wish, I do not recognize you as my son."

告诉他们抽烟的危害是没有用的,因为他们会把忠告当耳边风。It's no use telling them the dangers of smoking, because they'll just snap their fingers at the well-meant advice.

这不一定是坏事,你只是想让人家知道,他们实际上不需要甲事,但很可能他们当耳边风。It's not necessarily bad, you might just want to let them know that they really don't need another x but they probably won't listen.

想要做个性感男人,俘获女人的心吗?那就不要笑得太多,你应该看起来深沉些或露出一点害羞的神色。如果你是女人,以上的建议就当耳边风吧。Guys, want to look sexy and get the girl? Don't smile too much. Look brooding or show a bit of shame instead. Women, ignore that advice.