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哎啊!他老是在紧要关头失常。Argh! He's always choking in the clutch.

我们处在历史的紧要关头。We are at a critical time in our history.

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我们正处于历史的紧要关头。We are at a critical moment in our history.

我的族人们的命运正处在紧要关头。The fate of our people hangs in the balance.

在紧要关头他们正好赶到来救我们。They arrived in the nick of time to save us.

每逢到了紧要关头,她总是临阵退缩。When it comes to the point, she always shrinks back.

在这样的紧要关头没有合理的保证。There is no guarantee of rationality in these showdowns.

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所谓朋友,就是在紧要关头肯来帮助你的人。A friend is someone who will come to help you in a pinch.

可曾记得,大部分的梦都有一段惊心动魄的紧要关头?Ever notice that most dreams have a blood-surging urgency to them?

乌拉,一位处在紧要关头下的年轻瑞典妇女。Ulla, a young Swedish woman caught in the moment of crucial decision.

香水经常被看成是在紧要关头时刻,最可能想到的而又不需要花费太多心思的礼物。Perfume is often seen as a last-minute gift that requires little thought.

2005年夏天,在莫里斯扮演新角色的第七年,事情到了紧要关头。Things came to a head seven years into her new role, in the summer of 2005.

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除非事情的重要性已到紧要关头,他总是加倍回报恩惠。He repays favor with interest so as not to be under any obligations to others.

关注似乎有点唐吉诃德了,然而中国现在正处于道德危机的紧要关头。The concern appears quixotic, but China is now in the grips of a moral crisis.

得了吧,特别是当食品价格和社会不稳定风险目前处于紧要关头时。Forget it. Especially when food and the risk of social instability are at stake.

他出现在紧要关头才使我未被狗咬着。He appeared at the psychological moment to prevent me from being bitten by the dog.

当她在三局制的局点用一张能压过我的牌时,我们已经到了紧要关头。We were at a crucial point in the three-game series when she turned the card that beat me.

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卡扎菲当然清楚应该如何获得听众的好感,特别是在这样的紧要关头。Gaddafi certainly knows how to woo a crowd, particularly at important junctures such as this.

南非城市斯科特广播报告说,在紧要关头候选人得到的投票者保贵的一票。VOA's Scott Bobb reports from Johannesburg, candidates are making last minute appeal to voters.

没有他,在这濒危的紧要关头,没有人会考虑到受伤者。Had it not been for him, no one, in that supreme phase of agony, would have thought of the wounded.