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不只是酒糟鼻而已。Not just the nose.

一面说,一面酒糟鼻子就更红了。One said, one side more red vinasse nose.

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此食疗法适用于酒糟鼻丘疹期。This food therapy for rosacea papules period.

鼻科专家表示酒糟鼻子是能治好的。The rhinologists say that brandy nose can be treated.

我有酒糟鼻,所以我也会把它用在面部中央的位置作为润色乳。I have Rosacea , so I also use it on central part of my face as a light foundation.

太多的血液使得皮肤显得发红,可能引起不良状况,例如酒糟鼻。Too much blood makes the skin appear flushed, and can worsen conditions like rosacea.

绿茶同样也可以减少紫外线和酒糟鼻的表现和症状一致。Green tea may also reduce reactions to ultraviolet light as well as the visual signs and symptoms of rosacea.

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樟脑油对常常出现在酒糟鼻中螨虫治疗有效。Camphor oil has recently been evaluated for its effectiveness in treating demodicoses that often occur with rosacea.

很多保湿品困扰着我的眼睛,导致酒糟鼻爆发,用这个产品就没有问题,效果很好。So many moisturizers bother my eyes and cause my rosacea to flare up. I have no problems with this one and it works fine.

如果你原来就有如粉刺、酒糟鼻、湿疹、牛皮癣之类的皮肤病,那在压力下就会明显加剧。If you already have a mild case of skin diseases like acne, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis, they can flare up when you're stressed.

所有这些成分对于酒糟鼻的病人都是特别有效的,因为这种疾病内在的光敏感区域的产物是一致的。All of these properties are especially beneficial for people with rosacea since intrinsic sun sensitivity is a staple of the disease.