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并以软硬兼施的办法,奋发努力,确保同行业中的领先地位。We work hard to hold the sate lead in the same trade.

就算你对我软硬兼施,利诱和恐吓我,我都不会出卖我的上司的。I will not betray my boss regardless of your threats or promises.

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微软通过收购诺基亚,还可以对人软硬兼施。Microsoft could also use ownership of Nokia as a carrot and stick.

软硬兼施,保证了一年,这是典型的寿命一个触发器。The stick is guaranteed for a year, which is the typical life span of a flip-flop.

经过陆梅的关系,瓣儿软硬兼施向一个富绅“借”了不少银两。After Liu Mei relations, petal carrot and stick to a rich gentry borrow a lot of silver.

而在第二阶段,作出软硬兼施的提议更为重要。In phase two, actual, clear-cut and persuasively packaged proposals will be more important.

当局软硬兼施,提高对获奖者的奖励。The authorities have used the carrot as well as the stick, upping the rewards paid to winners.

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同时,他们还希望此次事件能证明他们采取的软硬兼施的措施已经开始生效。They will also hope that it is evidence that their new carrot-and-stick approach is starting to work.

兆匡软硬兼施,加上法律知识,轻易帮郭行长收取恶霸的坏账。Trillion in quantico carrot and stick, with legal knowledge, easy for guo President a bully of bad debts.

头人的儿子软硬兼施地阿支追求阿诗玛并将她关进牢笼逼婚。The son of the village head ahzhi tried to force ahshima to marry him, and the girl was even put into prison.

但是,不要对辞职表示遗憾或者懊悔,这样反而会鼓励目前的管理层进一步软硬兼施地让你留下。But, avoid expressing resignation regret, as that might give your employer ammunition to pressure you to stay.

沈从文见张兆和仍然不为所动,便抛出了软硬兼施的策略。Seeing that Zhang was not moved by his letters, Shen utilized a strategy combing both “hard” and “soft” means.

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在当代水墨画材料的选择和运用上,本文提倡“软硬兼施”、“刚柔并济”。In contemporary painting materials selection and use, the paper advocated "carrot and stick", "rigid and soft".

几人一番软硬兼施,常梅也以离婚为要挟,梁守业不得已拿出了房产证。Several people a carrot and stick, ChangMei also in divorce coerce, beam to the sovereignty took out house property card.

几人一番软硬兼施,常梅也以离婚为要挟,梁守业不得已拿出了房产证。Several people a carrot and stick, Chang Mei also for divorce coerce, beam implementation of forced out of the house property card.

苦笑不得的松尾把有嫌疑的孩子挨个讯问,软硬兼施,仍旧没问出个所以然。The loose end the wry smile not suspected child get questioned, a carrot and stick approach, still didn't ask a disorderly gathering.

尽管对其软硬兼施,但只要北韩的大老板金正日觉着合适,他便会发出连串的新威胁。HE HAS been coaxed, cajoled, censured and sanctioned. Yet whenever it suits North Korea's boss, Kim Jong Il, he spews out new threats.

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几个月来,科莫州长为了通过法案,连哄带骗,软硬兼施。For months, Mr Cuomo cajoled, pressured, leaned on and in recent weeks enthusiastically negotiated with legislators to get the bill passed.

维基解密公布的美国外交电报显示,王宫利用政府机构,软硬兼施以从别处获得贿赂。An American diplomatic cable, released through WikiLeaks, suggests that the palace uses government institutions “to coerce and solicit bribes.”

珀尔穆特软硬兼施地要同事在有超新星爆炸的讯息时,花一、两个小时通知不同时区的世界各地。Perlmutter twisted arms and begged colleagues for an hour or two on short notice , calling frantically around the world at all times of the day.