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心急火燎地跑回家给他、她打电话,或者接听来自他、她的电话。Rushing home to call or be called by him or her.

他平静地、忧郁地等待着,尔后还是不见她回来,就心急火燎起来。He waited, calmly, gloomily, and then anxiously as she did not appear.

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我心急火燎地给饭店打电话,旅馆职员有点不相信,漫不经心。Frantically, phoned the hotel. The clerk was incredulous and a bit aloof.

独眼基洛洛带着一队身强力壮的警察,在码头上拦住心急火燎的捕鲸船长。One-eyed Kelolo and ab and of able policemen met the fiery whaler at the pier.

有些紧张的民主党人认为共和党中不会有任何人站在自己这边,于是心急火燎。Some anxious Democrats predicted that no Republicans would come on board, and urged haste.

妇女写硬,心急火燎的歌曲,但他们的声音组合,创建了一个近乎神圣的美丽。The women write hard, edgy songs but the mix of their voices creates an almost holy beauty.

于是,人们心急火燎地涌向其他银行提取他们的存款,在短短的几个小时里,许多银行被迫关门,因为他们也没有钱了。People hurried to other banks to withdraw their savings. Within hours, many of these other banks had to close.

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仿佛依然感到心急火燎的疼痛。她会继续的回忆,因为这能告诉她要善待别人。It was as if she, still, felt the burning. 5 She would keep that memory, as it taught her to be nice to others.

特别是当你心急火燎要达到目的的时候,多等一分钟,内心的焦虑就增加好几倍。Waiting is tormenting. The anxiety doubles when you are thirsty for the success. One more minute is a disaster.

和开车相比,坐火车的好处是可以得到休息,而且还可以在座位上办公,也不用为堵车心急火燎。Compared with drive, train benefits can be rest, and still can seat office, also need not for traffic anxiously.

随着斯奎拉奇和托马斯的缺阵,促使这位心急火燎的主帅极力想在一月找到合适的替补。Thomas Vermaelen and Sebastien Squillaci are sidelined, prompting the Gunners boss to look for new faces in January.

我心急火燎地给饭店打电话,旅馆职员有点不相信,漫不经心。他笑了起来,说还没有人捡到。Frantically, phoned the hotel. The clerk was incredulous and a bit aloof. He laughed, saying it hadn't been reported.

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可以理解为什么无以计数的高中老师和心急火燎的家长一心一意地想让孩子们进入精英大学。It's understandable that so many high schoolers and their nervous parents are preoccupied with the idea of getting into an elite college.

一个专有的绿色抽象的”联盟杰克在里面背面的标签上的“承认品牌的遗产,但提供的心急火燎的新外观和感觉。A proprietary green abstract "Union Jack" on the inside back label acknowledges the brand's heritage, but provides the edgy new look and feel.

光蕙和维栋的意外,暂时中断了程韵与林放的争吵,两人一起心急火燎地赶往医院。Light and the building accident, sticks to temporarily interrupted Cheng Yun quarrel with rubberized tracks, frantic, the two people together to the hospital.

我以前每一天的开始就是很晚从床上蹦起,心急火燎地准备好出门,匆忙的把孩子送到学校后赶去上班。I used to start my day by jumping out of bed, late as usual, and rushing to get myself and the kids ready, and rushing to drop them to school and come in to work late.

千万别以为农民们心急火燎地给它们的农场找来更多的水只是为了去填饱那些与日俱增的嘴。Farmers’ increasing demand for water is caused not only by the growing number of mouths to be fed but also by people’s desire for better-tasting, more interesting food.

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二十五只猴子排成康茄舞一般的队形杀入轻木林,宣告宴会拉开帷幕。孑然一身的成年猴和心急火燎的半大猴子冲在最前面,身上还挂着幼猴的妈妈们尾随其后。Twenty-five of them arrive in conga lines to claim the opening rounds, the unencumbered adults and brash teenagers up front, the mothers with their clinging babies at the rear.

待回到公主府,便把大门关上,一个人也不见,任那两家的夫人在外头心急火燎,就是不开门!Need to be returned to princess' mansion, then near the front door, a person also disappears and allow those two madams the anxious blaze Liao is at the outside, be don't open the door!