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他表示了振振有词的抗议。He expressed voluble protests.

我是决不想反驳这样一个振振有词的声明的。I should be the last to reject such a loud statement.

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他提高了嗓音,像在教堂里讲话一般振振有词。His voice rose with the conviction of his chapel speeches.

起初,显而易见的,我们能够振振有词地回答,性的行动满足的就是欢爽。It is quite obvious, at first, that one can answer, legitimately, simply, pleasure.

天云振振有词地说,“而且你比我大好几岁,是哥哥,你还不让着我!”Besides, you're a few years older than me. You are my elder brother and you should give way!

那时候瓦里安振振有词地说“未来10年最性感的工作非统计学家专家莫属”,名声大噪。That's when Varian famously pronounced that “the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians.

而班主任却振振有词地说,这是为了“激励后进孩子奋进”,拒不改正。The class teacher is plausibly said, is to "inspire children Endeavour backward" and refused to correct.

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华尔街自认为其从容不迫的应对和振振有词的分析将有利于避免周一市场出现过度恐慌。Wall Street believes that its cool response and analytical reasoning will help alleviate any major panic on Monday.

今天的那些唯婚礼主义新娘们可能对她们的塔式建筑振振有词,因为最著名的蛋糕都是不朽的。But today’s Bridezilla might be able to justify her towering concoction, because the most famous cakes become immortal.

在这里,农民工干了活不能得到工资,企业、包工头、官员还振振有词、条条有理呢!Here, the farmers could not be done live wages, business, labor contractor, officials also spoke and doctrines justified!

在第二次世界大战期间,对于纳粹恐怖的大屠杀,有些人还振振有词地说,这是因为犹太人是「杀害基督的人」。During World War II, the horrors of the Holocaust were sometimes rationalized by those who labeled the Jews "Christ-killers."

你们将会发现一个更深刻,更具有说服力的理由,为什麽病人竟然会有这样一个倾向,以及为什们他拥有这个倾向,还振振有词。You will discover a further and cogent reason why the patient should have such a tendency and why he is quite justified in having it.

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但在事实面前,袁还是振振有词地说,“阳光花园”大的问题没有,主要是一些粉刷方面的原因,是施工时没有搞好。But in fact, Yuan or plausibly said, "Sunshine Garden" is not a big problem, mainly because of some buildings, construction is not well.

这些人习惯了爱的单方性质,向他人作出不合理要求时还振振有词。Used to the one-sided quality of love, even when making unreasonable demands on others these people act in a very self-righteous manner.

“不合时宜的”储蓄的最振振有词的解释到SLV里是份额被购买了不少时刻,在金属实际上被带来了之前。The most plausible explanation for the "untimely" deposits into SLV was that the shares were purchased some time before the metal was actually brought in.

不管市场的对立情绪有多大,各方论说起来多么振振有词,最终还要看资金的流向。No matter the market opposition mood has in a big way, all quarters dissertation gets up how plausibly , also needs to look at the fund finally flow direction.

此时的兰博士仍旧振振有词杀人的是日本鬼子,他只是一个科学家,27号病毒在人类病毒史上是一个伟大的发明,是他发现了扼制和杀灭它的血清。At this time he is still quite a murderer Japanese devils, he is a scientist, 27 virus in human history is a great invention, he found that the stem and kill its serum.

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长期以来,他们掌管的金融机构靠着扭曲风险定价赚得盆满钵满,回过头来又振振有词地要求公众出资救助,理由是这些机构太大,倒不得。They presided over institutions that made large profits for a substantial period of time by mispricing risk, and then argued for public support on the grounds that they were too big to fail.

有中国运动员参加的国际篮球比赛一旦出现暴力行为,一般中国体育媒体会竞相振振有词地发表空洞无味的评论。Outbreaks of violence during international basketball games involving Chinese players typically send China's vibrant sports media rushing to outdo each other with one frothy commentary after another.