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我又急忙改口说您都听懂了?I also hurriedly say you understand?

大多数人不喜欢改口。Consistency. Most people prefer to keep their word.

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这时布来温又改口到,不,但我又不能退学。Blevins recalled. "I just knew I didn't want to quit."

于是他就改口说他非常喜欢这儿的劳动,愿意正在这儿继续做下走。Then he said he'd stay on with us because he liked working here so much.

设计师冲着我作了个古怪的表情,好像我突然改口说写犹太经文的阿拉米语似的。The designer gave me this odd look as if I had suddenly begun speaking Aramaic.

“就是说,”她连忙改口,“您不认识她,但是您想要认识她。”"That is to say," she resumed quickly, "you do not know her,but you wish to know her."

前原佳彦改口说搜查出来的电台是收音机,傅家人躲过一劫。Maehara Kahiko said the search out of the radio is the radio, Fu family escaped unharmed.

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她的名字叫南希,不过一段时间以来我一直叫她“妈妈”,已经无法改口了。Her name is Nancy but for some time now I've called her Mommie and don't believe I could change.

当然现在共和党的候选人已经改口说要支持严格的监管,但是他没有提供什么政策细节。Now the Republican candidate says he favours stricter regulations, though he provides few details.

费迪南德说道,“当然,那些以前称呼他‘法比奥大师’的媒体人和消息灵通人士现在都改口了。”The media people and those in the know who were saying he's 'Don Fabio' have changed now, of course.

几个小时后他就改口说,他认为美国经济处于危机之中。McCain reversed his comments within a matter of hours and said he thought the economy was in a crisis.

两名宣称目击谋杀的人士改口更增加了掩盖真像的怀疑。Suspicion of a cover-up only grew after two people claiming to have seen a murder changed their story.

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如果验票结果是你们赢了,那你们是否会改口说这场选举其实是公平的?If there is a recount, and you're found to have won, are you going to decide that the election was fair?

开庭审判时,丰美突然推翻了自己的证词,改口说户谷是受了自己的嘱托。When the trial, medium-bodied suddenly overturned its own testimony, the valley of households now say the entrust by.

想一想你正打算说的话所引起的反应,然后确定你是否需要改口说以达到更好的效果。Think of the response to what you are about to say, and decide if you need to reword your statement to be more effective.

想一想你正打算说的话所引起的反应,然后确定你是否需要改口说以达到更好的效果。Think of the response to what you are about to say , and decide if you need to reword your statement to be more effective.

有时候我们的父母会说一些学校里不教的话,但他们常常会马上改口,仿佛更正错误一样。Sometimes our parents would say things we weren't taught in school. They'd often correct themselves, as if erasing a mistake.

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但后来南朝鲜又改口说,经过调查,他们发现了与德制先进的爆炸物相似的化学残迹。This claim was later overturned by the inquiry board, which found the chemical residues to be similar to German advanced explosives.

“我们是以不错的状态拿到入场券的。”费迪南德说道,“当然,那些以前称呼他‘法比奥大师’的媒体人和消息灵通人士现在都改口了。”"We qualified in great style," Ferdinand said. "The media people and those in the know who were saying he's 'Don Fabio' have changed now, of course.

想想却觉得我的想法不对,赶紧给蚂蚁行了个礼,改口说“感恩你今天让我有机会起慈悲心”。Then I realise that my thinking is wrong. I gave the ant a bow and corrected myself "thank you for giving me a chance to perform an act of compassion".