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中枢性及周围性面瘫的鉴别诊断。Master the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of facial paralysis.

结果显示正常组眼轮匝肌阈值低,面瘫组眼轮匝肌除神经外程度重。The threshold of S-D of ocular orbicularis is low in the normal group.

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目的分析126例腮腺切除后产生面瘫的原因。Objective To analyze the causes of facial palsies after ablating parotid glands.

所有病例均无感染、涎瘘、永久性面瘫等并发症。All patients healed without infection, salivary fistula, and permanent facial paralysis.

上图所示患者由于面部神经病变导致面瘫,手部肌肉挛缩。The patient shownhas both a facial nerve palsy and contractures of the hand from leprosy.

总结针刺三步疗法治疗周围性面瘫的临床疗效。To observe the clinical effect of acupuncture 3-step therapy on peripheral facial paralysis.

而且表现病灶侧周围性面瘫、病灶对侧肢体瘫。And sexual face paralysis, focus is right all round expressional focus side side limbs paralysis.

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我猜她男朋友肯定会得面瘫,为什么?因为他的脸持续抽筋太久了。I guess her boyfriend must got facial paralysis. why? cuz his face has been cramping for too long.

当出血波及两侧时,出现两侧面瘫和四肢弛缓性瘫痪。Affect when haemorrhage when two side, appear two flank paralysis and limb atony the gender breaks down.

入院时,患者定向力正常,但表现出严重的构音障碍,左侧中枢性面瘫,共济失调步态。On admission, he was oriented, but had severe dysarthria, left-sided central facial palsy and gait ataxia.

损伤侧触须集中伸直并向后伸展,完全不能抖动,呈现完全性面瘫。Palpus at the damaged side deflected backwards, did not shake, and presented as complete facial paralysis.

表现病灶对侧下部面瘫,只有嘴歪斜,而无眼歪斜。Expressional focus is right paralysis of side bottom face, the mouth is only askew , and without the eye askew.

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中医诊所里,两位面瘫患者用电吹风自我进行热疗。In a Chinese medicine clinique two patients who suffer from prosopoplegia are using hair dryers to cure themselves.

第二方面对目前较为普遍应用的面瘫主观评价体系存在的不同观测者间误差进行研究。The second is to study examined the inter-observer reliability of the existing universal subjective grading systems.

结论运用经筋理论治疗面瘫效果优于常规针灸治疗。Conclusion The curative effect of acupuncture on the muscle meridian theory is better than that of routine acupuncture.

目的研究腹针治疗特发性面瘫的临床疗效。Objective The study focused on the therapeutic effectiveness of abdominal acupuncture in treating idiopathic facial paralysis.

对头痛、头晕、面瘫、三叉神经痛、近视及颈项痛等病证有较好的治疗作用。It is curative for symptoms of headache, dizziness, facial paralysis, prosopalgia , myopia, and stiffness and pain of the nape.

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这个数字还在降低,因为随着症状被进一步研究,其中一些可以确症为其他种类的面瘫。These figures have been lowered as more has been learned about conditions that are now diagnosed as other types of facial palsies.

并发症有脑脊液漏1例、轻度面瘫2例、面部麻木6例、术后口唇嘴角处疱疹11例。Complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula in 1 case, mild facial paresis in 2, facial numbness in 6 and labial herpes in 11.

其他的临床表现还有坏死性肿块、肿胀、耳鸣、听力丧失、面瘫、外耳炎以及中耳炎。Visible necrotic mass, swelling, tinnitus, hearing loss, facial palsy, otitis externa and otitis media are other presenting features.