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宿醉是危险的。Hangover is dangerous.

酒鬼会不会有宿醉?Do alcoholics get hangovers?

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什么?现在都十二点了。宿醉?What? It's twelve now. Hungover?

约翰睡了一觉,才从宿醉中醒来。John is sleeping off the hangover.

我去了墨西哥,还有点宿醉呢。I was in Mexico. I'm still hung over.

不要在我宿醉后还要叫我跑步。Do not make me run with this hangover.

这里有一个宿醉第二部分看看。Here's a look at The Hangover Part II.

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上一秒宿醉,下一秒开会。Drunk in the last minute. Then meeting.

我去了墨西哥,还有点宿醉呢。I often used to hang out in supermarkets.

当宿醉时,运动将产生什么结果?What Happens if I Exercise With a Hangover?

喝完酒后,若有宿醉的情形,可以喝绿茶。Green tea is good for hangover after drinking.

即使是再喝解宿醉的一杯酒,也不会使他觉得好些。Even a hair of dog didn't make him feel better.

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我还从没宿醉过。And I have never had a hangover in my life before.

即使是再喝解宿醉的一杯酒,也不会使他觉得好些。Even a hair of the dog didnt make him feel better.

格拉斯人仿佛宿醉醒来,头痛如裂。The people of Grasse awoke to a terrible hangover.

另外两个我阅读时碰到与宿醉同义的词出现的年代很接近。Only two other words I came across even come close.

一艘自由轮满载着睡意蒙胧、宿醉的水兵来到。A liberty boat full of sleepy hungover sailors came.

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喝酒之前吃一片阿司匹林可以防止宿醉Taking Aspirin Prior to Drinking Will Prevent Hangovers

他又宿醉了?这可是一周以内的第三回了。He is hung-over again? This is the third time in a week.

来点解宿醉的酒或许可以让我感觉好一些。Some hair of the dog would probably make me feel better.