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他虽然还没有达到婆罗门教的境界。He did not go as far as the Brahmin.

他很喜欢研究象婆罗门教这样古老的宗教。He loves to research old religions such as Brahmanism.

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而很多印度教、婆罗门教教徒,也加入了佛教徒的行列。Many followers of Hinduism and Brahminism joined the ranks of Buddhists.

婆罗门教的复兴是出现在孔雀王朝没落的时期。A Brahmanic revival appears to have occurred with the fall of the Mauryas.

婆罗门教与大乘佛教经过了长期融和的过程。Brahmanism and Mahayana have passed a long process of mixture and interfusion.

佛教和婆罗门教是各种宗教中思辨性较强的派别。Buddhism and Brahmanism are the religions which have more philosophical thoughts.

和尚,也借称古印度婆罗门教,中世纪天主教等的修道者。Monk, also known by the ancient Indian Brahmanism, the medieval Catholic ascetics, etc.

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从历史看,“法术”并非是原始佛教所独有,而是借鉴了婆罗门教中的一些因素。Magic is not the result of primitive Buddhism, while derives from Brahmanism, which is forbidden in the time of Buddha.

释迦牟尼佛入灭后,佛教渐为社会大众所接受,婆罗门教也吸收了佛教教义,形成了印度教。After Sakyamuni passed away, Buddhism gradually attracted a wide following. Brahminism also absorbed the teachings of Buddhism, and Hinduism emerged.

石器主要是婆罗门教和佛教传说中神的石雕作品,其中的碑刻和建筑样式也颇有代表性。The sandstone artefacts are mainly divinity statues from Brahmanism and Buddhism. Inscribed stele and architectural elements are also strongly represented.

泰国阿瑜陀耶王朝时期的家具文化分别在婆罗门教、印度教以及主要是小乘佛教思想影响下使其形成神秘的宗教色彩。On the contrary, the furniture of Thailand Ayutthaya period under the effect of Brahmanism Hinduism and Hinayana Buddhism presents mysterious religious overtones.

纯陀,如果现在我到那些信持各种杂说旁见的行者和婆罗门教徒中,被问及对于他们所信持之见解的看法时,我当不认同的。Now, Cunda, I go to those ascetics and Brahmins who hold any of these views and if, being asked, they confirm that they do hold such views, I do not admit their claims.

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婆罗门教主流思想中的根本因被认为是实在的,而佛教中通常否定有真正实在的作为不变实体的根本因。The main thought of Brahmanism holds that the fundamental cause is real. But Buddhism usually denies the fundamental cause which can serve as the real unchanging entity.

密教是印度大乘佛教发展到最后一个阶段出现的流派,由印度大乘佛教一部分派别吸收婆罗门教及其他民间宗教的一些内容而形成的大乘教派。Esoteric Buddhism in the school that Indian Mahayana Buddhism develops into the last period of stage and presents. It has absorbed Brahmanism and other folk religious contents.

虽然他出身于印度上流阶级的婆罗门教士家庭,熟谙教义与理论,但如果有任何人向他请教更深刻的哲学理论,他只会答以一抹嗤笑,或是用他出名的破英文应付个三言两语。Though he was the son of a Brahmin priest, and knew the teachings, anyone asking him for deeper philosophy would get a smirk in reply, or a scrap of his famously broken English.

这篇文章将从批判性的角度,探究初期佛教如何考察与改写婆罗门教的种姓起源神话。This paper will make a critical survey on early Buddhist cannons which concerned with how Buddhist challenges Brahmanism's 'caste genesis mythology' and reforms it in another way.