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但是,他们后来的行为越界了Well, what happens? They transgress.

美国越界了,再出红牌。USA overstepping again, red card again.

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这里同样也有“帝国主义越界”的迹象。Here too, there are signs of "imperial overreach".

你认为老板是否越界了?Do you think employers are overstepping their bounds?

“越界行动”版画交流展,角度画廊,上海,中国。"Cross the Border" Printmaking Exhibition, The Angle Gallery.

中国在外交上对韩国的无礼几乎越界了。China’s rudeness toward Korea in terms of diplomacy almost crosses the line.

他用“针尖上的天使”来比喻,以证明他的调情并没有越界。His angels-on-a-pin distinction that other dalliances had not crossed a line.

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新德里称起义都是因来自巴基斯坦的“越界恐怖主义”。The uprising, asserts Delhi, is all due to “cross-border terrorism” from Pakistan.

但是,文章中的一些例子看上去却越界,属于“自私”范畴。But some of the examples in the article seem to cross over into "selfish" territory.

许多阿富汗官员相信巴基斯坦帮助塔利班实施越界袭击。Many Afghan officials believe Pakistan helps the Taliban with cross-border operations.

记者对审查指示的越界继续面临官方的报复打击。Journalists who overstepped censorship guidelines continued to face official reprisals.

高雄市电影馆「性别。爱越界」专题影展海报。A poster for the Gender. Love Beyond Boundaries film festival at the Kaohsiung Film Archive.

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如果你能察觉到女孩心中犹豫不决,那就约她吧,并向她保证你是不会越界的。If you sense any hesitation, ask her out, making sure to let her know you won't overstep boundaries

“越界行动”版画交流展,角度画廊,上海,中国。Selected Printmaking Exhibition for Young Artists in Shanghai, Xuhui Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2007

中国此前对联合国6月份的惩罚决议表示同意,但自那以来遣责美国的行为越界。China agreed to the June U.N. sanctions, but has since accused the U.S. of overstepping those efforts.

与很多进口车的遭遇一样,美人奴跨界越界车之所以饱受诟病,也是因为评论员门和这款车没有什么切身的联系。Like many imports, the CrossCabrio also suffers because reviewers don't have a personal connection with it.

我也和你一样希望阻止偷猎行为,但是你已经越界了,我不想这种情形再继续下去了。I want to stop the poaching as much as you do, but you've crossed over the line, and I can't go on like this.

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在复杂矿井通风网络优化计算中,发现了黄金分割法的越界现象。In the optimization of a mine ventilation network, the boundary overstepping took place in Golden Section Search.

如果你发现自己在发送一封你不希望你的配偶知道内容的电子邮件,那你处在越界的危险期。If you find yourself e-mailing something you would not want your spouse to know, you are in danger of crossing a line.

论文探讨了传统父权社会和主人公自己的单恋对于阿米莉亚和李蒙性别越界的压抑。This thesis probes into the repression of Amelia and Lymon's gender transgression from patriarchy and unrequited love.