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纽约聚集着各种各样、形形色色的人。All kinds of people come to New York.

据柯普科说,形形色色的学生都在网站注册。Kopko says a range of students are signing up.

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人生路上会遇到的人形形色色。On the way they will meet all sorts of people.

从外形上看,雄性狼蛛形形色色。Male wolf spiders run the gamut in physical appearance.

每天我们都会遇到类似的形形色色的问题。We encounter problems like these in various guises every day.

前面的大厅是一个大金塔了形形色色黑玉。In front of the hall is a grand urn made of variegated dark jade.

意志薄弱的人会屈从于形形色色的诱惑和威胁。The weak-willed tend to yield to various attractions and threats.

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在整个历史长河中,出现了形形色色、好坏不一的领导人。Throughout history, there have been good leaders and bad leaders.

它总是一份长长的详细清单,包括形形色色的人。Too often, it includes a long and detailed list of diverse people.

但年轻人通常能够在形形色色的人中有所选择。But young people can usually choose from a great variety of people.

主要演员包括形形色色的性格并且很少有薄弱的环节。Main cast has few weak links and traverses all shades of character.

通过演化方程能解决形形色色的古怪问题。All manner of squirrely problems can be solved by evolving equations.

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彩虹般形形色色的海洋生物让潜水夫惊奇不已。The rainbow of ocean creatures fills the divers with a sense of wonder.

他不喜欢形形色色的主义或运动,并拒绝参加团体或党派。He doesn't like isms and movements and refuses to join groups or parties.

节目涉及从流行音乐到京剧这样形形色色的题材。The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and Beijing Opera.

同时他需要心理学技巧来管理他的形形色色的的船员。And he needed the psychological skills to manage his literally motley crew.

你遇到的每个人都是形形色色的公司总裁或主席。Everybody you come across seems to be a chief or president of some variety.

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我们团里有形形色色的人,包括一些研究中国问题的学者。Our group had a variety of people including some academics who studied China.

西班牙的圣·费尔明奔牛节吸引了形形色色寻求惊险刺激的人们。Spain's San Fermin bull-running fiesta attracts all manner of thrill-seekers.

让企业降低化石燃料用量的建议可谓形形色色,从平常到怪诞应有尽有。Ideas for reducing fossil fuel use by business vary from pedestrian to whacky.