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你有一张水床?You have a water bed?

超额费用是因为有水床。The extra charge is for the water bed.

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这么说,地球就像一个巨大的水床。It's like the Earth is a giant waterbed.

现在我感觉胸前就像放了一张水床。It's like having a waterbed on your chest.

你们的床垫是弹簧的丶海棉的还是水床的?Do you have a regular mattress, futon, or waterbed?

除此之外,酒店还设有“护士房”,“动画房”,和“水床房”。The hotel also has a "nurse room", "animation room" and "waterbed room".

因此,托盘水床育苗技术适宜于贵州烟区应用。It was preferable to popularize tray-waterbed system in Guizhou flue-cured tobacco growing area.

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它也保护您免受潮湿,如果是涉及水床床垫,可春天泄漏。It also protects you from moisture, if it is covering a waterbed mattress that could spring a leak.

中间的时光我在水池中间的凉亭里度过,那里有一张带按摩喷头的水床。In between I lolled in the sala in the midst of the pool – a pavilion with a bed of bubbling water jets.

“水床效应”既可能会加剧零售市场垄断化趋势,又可能损害消费者权利。The waterbed effects not only accelerate monopolization in retailing but also deteriorate consumers' welfare.

但当上个月武汉气温达到35℃时,宫磊想出了一个“空瓶变水床”的主意。But when Wuhan was hit by 35 C temperatures last month, Gong came up with the idea of turning them into a waterbed.

温泉设施还包括各种桑拿浴室、蒸气浴室、按摩、带水床的放松室、户外按摩浴池和宽敞的健身室。The spa facilities at Hotel Hubertus include a Finnish sauna, a Turkish steam bath, an infrared cabin, and a relaxation room.

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在很多酒店,超大的床就是最小号的了,一般双人居室都有两个这种大床,一些酒店甚至还可为来宾准备水床。"Long Boys" are specially prepared for tall people. At some hotel, queen-size beds are the smallest size used, so a double room has two of them.

最具个性化的是针对套房空间的宽度设计了八角豪华型水床等各种型号。What provide individuation most is to was aimed at the width of flatlet space to design anise luxurious model all sorts of model such as water bed.

对照组给予常规治疗及护理,观察组在常规治疗、常规护理的基础上使患儿睡简易水床及给予俯卧头侧位。The infants in experimental group slept on the water bed in prone position with the heads turned to one side besides the routine treatment and nursing.

优秀泵或舱底,液体转移,脱水,排空水床,沉积物和其他小厂房任务。Excellent pump or bilge, live bait tanks, liquid transfer, de-watering, emptying water beds, clogged sinks, tubs, and other small jobs around the house.

这把椅子看起来像是某种神秘的外来海洋生物,然而它能轻松承受人体——制造商宣称坐起来就像水床那样令人舒适。Its resemblance to exotic sea-life is uncanny and yet it can support the human bulk with graceful ease – as blissful as a waterbed, according tothe manufacturer.

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听起来地球就是一个巨型水床,当你躺在上面,你下面表层物质就在下沉,迫使水被挤压到其他地方。It's like the Earth is a giant waterbed. When you lie down on it, the surface of the mattress under you sinks, forcing the water into other parts of the mattress.

噢,就类似说地球是一个巨大的水床。你躺在上面的时候,你压着的床垫表面就会下沉,迫使这些水流到床垫的其他部位去。Oh! It's like the Earth is a giant waterbed. When you lie down on it, the surface of the mattress under you sinks, forcing the water into other parts of the mattress.

作为知名水床品牌,宜生源标志蓝色的主色调给人以清凉的感觉,流动的线条富有动感和舒适感,展现出产品的性质。As a famous brand of Yi students waterbed, mark the main color blue gives a cool feeling, flowing lines full of movement and comfort, to show the nature of the product.