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我是来面试的。I have an interview.

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面试一乙高新技术。Interview of a B. Tech.

面试程序可能会提速。Interviews may be sped up.

然后继续面试。And then resume interviewing.

你已经参加面试了吗?So you aced the interview eh?

你的面试技能如何?How are your interview skills?

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工作面试是双向选择的过程。A job interview works both ways.

面试是一条双行道。Interviews are a two-way street.

每个人面试都可能迟到。Everyone runs late to interviews.

你可以拂袖而去,再面试下一位老板。Go out and audition another boss.

我是最后一刻被抓来面试的。I was brought in the last minute.

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提高你的面试技巧。Improve your interviewing skills.

我要去面试一份工作。祝你好运。I have a job interview. Gook luck.

好了,面试至此竣事。Well, thats all for the interview.

那我还需要第二次面试吗?And do I need the second interview?

我等会儿有一个面试。你呢?I have an interview later, and you?

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最要要记住,面试都是很难的!And remember -- interviews are hard!

没有得到面试或聘用通知?Not getting interviews or job o ers?

第一步,面试后记得跟进Step 1. Follow-up After an Interview