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冬季温差大、干燥,夏季潮湿多雨。Winter temperature, dry, wet and humid summer.

风是由空气的温差引起的。Wind is caused by differences in the temperature of air.

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温差对换热的影响具有两重性。Temperature difference has a dual-action on heat transfer.

这里白天和夜晚的温差很大。The temperature here varies greatly between day and night.

如果温差越高,则产生的电能就越多。A greater temperature differential yields more electricity.

随土层加深各部位地温差减小。As the soil layer was deepen, the temperature difference was less.

对混合式海水温差能发电系统的两种循环形式进行了对比分析。Comparative research is performed for two cycle modes of hybrid OTEC systems.

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粮库管理者称,粮仓坍塌原因是”温差过大”。The warehouse manager attributed the collapse to a big temperature difference.

因此,当你明白了这种温差,而它又遭遇了气候变化的时候,会怎样呢?So what happens when you take this variability and subject it to climate change?

介绍了利用电势差计对铂铑-铂温差电偶测温计精确标定的方法。The precise measurement of temperature with Pt Rh Pt thermocouple is introduced.

电压可以成为温差的模拟表示。The voltage may provides an analog representation of the temperature difference.

这种施工方法在寒冷地区,由于温差的影响,常使罐体出现倾斜现象。How ever, tank often inclines with this method due to the temperature difference.

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焊接条件对温差电致冷组件的性能有重要的影响。Soldering condition has great effect on the performance of thermoelectric module.

热机是温差能驱动水下监测平台的动力装置。Thermal engine is the drive-device of AUV driven by temperature difference energy.

好的钟摆可以主动赔偿温度造成的温差。Good clocks have pendulums which are automatically pensated for temperature changes.

此处日照短,多反射光,昼夜温差大,岩顶终年有细泉浸润流滴。On the top of mountain, a year-round flow of a tiny spring is infiltrating and dripping.

海洋中温跃层的存在,使得人们可以借助海洋温差能以利用大量的海洋热能。A large amount of thermal energy can be used by developing the thermo cline layer of sea.

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介绍一种网络化数字式高炉水温差检测系统。Introducted a kind of network and digital system of furnace water temperature difference.

研究结果显示累积高温差与累积低温差对于花茎长度都有显著影响。The result indicated that ACHT and ACLT values had significant effect on the stem length.

具有很大温差的冷锋常常伴随着巨雷狂风。A cold front with a large temperature difference is often marked by violent thundersqualls.