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这里定义了一个全局变量。in this global environment.

它们存在于全局数据。These reside in global data.

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通过全局选择器。Through the global selector.

XPCOM释放所有全局服务。XPCOM frees all global services.

那样我们才可以纵观全局。This's our opportunity to step back.

大多数的全局或静态数据的更改。Most changes to global or static data.

这些地址就是内部全局地址。These are the inside global addresses.

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全局变量应该全部大写。Global variables should be in all caps.

错误全局变量和标准值Error global variables and standard values

尽量减少全局变量的使用。Use of global variables should be minimized.

确定所有子标准的全局优先级Determine global priority for all sub-criteria

它负责释放槽位并修改全局列表。It frees the slot and modifies the global list.

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阿盖拉隘路是全局的核心。The Agheila defile was kernel of the situation.

但是转换全局的战略方针,必然要是运动战。But the pivotal strategy must be mobile warfare.

但是,它们都是最优全局比对。However, they're both maximal global alignments.

早期的perl版本仅有全局变量。Early versions of Perl only had global variables.

这些例证中,有些来自于全局趋势。Some of these examples come from big-picture trends.

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目的地址是一个内部全局地址。The destination address is an inside global address.

有两种专区类型,全局和非全局。There are two types of zones, global and non-global.

那么,局部声明和全局声明哪一个更好呢?So which one is best -- local or global declarations?