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任其流动。To just be.

享受头部急速流动。Enjoy the head rush.

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你流动,你接受。You flow. You accept.

空气流动。The air is circulating.

空气流动,才能生意盎然。Air must flow to refresh.

热是朝这个方向流动的。Heat is flowing this way.

保持燃油流动量均匀。Keep the fuel flow constant.

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气旋下溢中的绳状流动。Roping in cyclone underflow.

河水缓缓地流动。The river is flowing slowly.

是的。那就是流动的空气!Yes. That is air-moving air!

因为这里人员流动很频繁。because turnover's so quick.

让我们假设没有热量流动。Let's say there's no heat flow.

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蚊子滋生于不流动的池塘里。Mosquitoes breed in still ponds.

空气流动便形成了风。The movements of air make winds.

公司的人员流动率怎么样?What kind of turnover do you have?

它们需要更多的自由和流动。They require more freedom and flow.

然后水可以流动,也可以迸溅散开。Now, water can flow or it can crash.

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溪水似银铃般潺潺流动。The brook tinkled like silver bells.

但贸易流动严重一面倒。But trade flows are terribly lopsided.

它是毛细管电泳中流动相的“推动力”。This is the mobile phase "pump" in CE.