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她穿一件艳丽的连衫“裙”。She wore a loud dress.

牡丹是艳丽的花。A peony is a showy flower.

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心情拖一朵艳丽的花。Mood tows a gorgeous flower.

她穿了新装更是艳丽动人。She sparkled in her new clothes.

那件艳丽的女装多少钱?。How much is this colourful dress?

很可能你的衣服也会艳丽夺目。Most likely, so are your clothes.

五月的花朵艳丽清馨。Follow with May's fairest flowers.

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她著一身色彩艳丽的服装参加宴会。She wore a gaudy costume to the party.

花园里红色的天竺葵花色彩艳丽。The garden was gay with red geraniums.

画面清晰,色彩艳丽,既快又好。Clear picture, colorful, fast and good.

色彩艳丽、栩栩如生的面塑寿桃。Colorful and vivid dough moulded peaches.

琥珀色彩艳丽,呈黄褐色。Amber has a beautiful yellow-brown colour.

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柏柏尔小地毯可以当色彩艳丽的壁毯。A Berber rug makes a colourful wall-hanging.

那件艳丽的女装多少钱?。How much is it Is it colourful It is colourful.

立体魔方是由8个色彩艳丽的立体魔方组成。Hexahedral Cube is consisted of 8 colorful cubes.

那时装表演是艳丽色彩的大汇展。The fashion show was a technicolour extravaganza.

妖娆了一春艳丽,冰凉了一季心伤。Enchanting a bright cold spring, a season of pain.

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小城里挤满了服装艳丽的旅游者。The town seethed with travelers in bright clothes.

人们不要长期使用装饰艳丽的釉上彩烤花餐具。People should try to use glaze or underglaze ceramics.

那女孩个子很矮,身材消瘦,她穿的衣服未免过于艳丽。The girl was short and thin and her clothes were garish.