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乐在人生尽欢颜。Joy in life all smiles.

只会因正确而欢颜。But rejoice in the right.

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我只想看到你一次欢颜!I only wanted 2 one time see U languhing !

他告诉快乐王子每个人又重现了欢颜。He told the Happy Prince that everyone looked happy again.

不安的心,要宁静,安详表示神的欢颜Dear restless heart, be still, for peace is God's own smile

这世界充斥谎言,难得你曾能让我拥有如此欢颜。This world full of lies, make me wonder you have have such a smile.

如果有一天,爱胜过了伤害和尊严,愿见你们再欢颜。If have a day, love prevailed against hurt and dignity, wish meets you again vigorously facial.

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我不以为她的强作欢颜能使她父亲置信她在那个小孤岛上过得开心。I don't think her forced smile will convince her father that she lives happily on that small lonely island.

我从未愿带给你任何悲哀,我从未愿带给你伤害。我只想看到你一次的欢颜!I never meant to cause you any sorrow, I never meant to cause you any pain , I only wanted to one time see you laughing.

与此同时,玛莉遇上一名失婚妇人,她和她的丈夫结婚十多年,但始终难逃恶运,离婚收场,玛莉遂积极为她重拾欢颜。Elsewhere, Mary befriends a hotel guest who lost her husband after ten years of marriage and is desperate to keep his memory alive.

假如秋水可泅渡彼时欢颜,是否就不会沉沦于苦海里妄图打捞那一轮掩尽往事云烟的江风水月?If the eyes can swim at the time to smile, if will not sink to the sea in the attempt to salvage a mask as the past clouds river water?

左岸是寂寞,溢满了孤单的哀怨,那绽放的灼灼欢颜,瞬间枯萎成一种最后的感动,清晰了年轮的弧线。Left Bank is a lonely, overflowing a lonely sad, that bloom Shining smile, and instantly withered moved into a final, clear the ring of the arc.

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中秋的月儿圆又圆,我的月亮却少半边。千里遥寄相思苦,何年何月现欢颜?Mid-Autumn Festival, the children also won a round, I was less half of the moon. Fellow Acacia plight of a thousand miles away, Ho, Ho, now Huanyan »

珍妮前往静雯居住的酒店质问她是否与司徒舜假扮情侣,静雯最初还强作欢颜,可惜终给珍妮看穿。Jenny to static Vivian live hotel questioned whether she and SiTuShun disguised as lovers, static Vivian initially joys yan, it is a pity to Jenny to see through.