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但是玛丽的牙齿想恶狗一样。But Mary's teeth are like a bulldog.

蒙太古家的那条恶狗又来了。A dog of the house of Montague moves me.

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这小女孩往后退以躲避恶狗。The girl backed away from the fierce dog.

那条恶狗已经咬了几个人了。That vicious dog has bitten several people.

我为什么经常要被这恶狗阻挠?Must I be always baulked by this rascally hound?

那个小孩被恶狗吓坏了。The little baby was frightened by the fierce dog.

我真希望看到更多的国家痛打孟山都这条恶狗。Id reisly like to see more nations bitchslap Monsanto.

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我真希望看到更多的国家痛打孟山都这条恶狗。I'd really like to see more nations bitchslap Monsanto.

整个陪审团有如一群为审判鹿而集合起来的恶狗。The whole jury, as a jury of dogs empanelledto try the deer.

一些地区成群的恶狗攻击行人。Insome areas, dogs form feral packs that have attacked people.

整个陪审团有如一群为审判鹿而集合起来的恶狗。The whole jury, as a jury of dogs empannelled to try the deer.

当一条恶狗跟在他后面追时,他被吓得要死。He was frightened to death when a fierce dog was running after him.

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遇到了不够温顺,咆哮嘶叫的恶狗?别愁,扔出魔力大舌头。Should you come face to face with a mean, snarling dog throw him the Humunga Tongue.

我并不厌恶狗,但是我认为对待狗不该像对待人一样。I'm no dog hater, but I certainly think they should not be treated like human beings.

那人的老婆曾觉得自己看到一只形似恶狗的魔鬼,被吓个半死。His wife was once half-scared to death by what she considers a demon in the shape of a dog.

在我丈夫杰克还是警察的时候,一次他走近有两只恶狗看守的庭院。When my husband, Jack, was a police officer, he once approached a home guarded by two ferocious dogs.

围观的人群以及救援人员正在思考如何处理这只被恶狗咬伤的小鹿。A crowd of onlookers and a team of rescuers thinking of what to do with the poor fawn bitten by the evil dogs.

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话刚落音,只见门啪一声开了,进来两只大恶狗,两只老鼠吓的撒腿就跑。Just at that moment the door flew open, in came two huge mastiffs , and the two mice had to scamper down and run off.

这一次,这位国王派他到地狱门去,要他把那守门的「三头」恶狗圣保路斯带回来。This time the king sent him to the gates of Hell, to bring back Cerberus, the three -headed dog that guarded the gates.

你们全家人的血都会被恶狗吸干,你们的骨头会被恶狗啃碎,直到什么都不剩。Both you and all ofyour family will die with dogs licking your blood and having themchew your bones until there is nothing left.