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她总是骑轻便摩托去她的商店。She always scoots to her shop.

你知道摩托摩托代表什么吗?。You know what Moto Moto means?

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骑摩托去半月湾。Motocycle trip to Half Moon Bay.

他们改装车,他们喜摩托。They rebuilt cars. They loved motorcycles.

嗨,戴维。佩妮,是你的摩托?。Hi. Dave. Hi. Penny. So it's your motorcycle ?

摩托奶奶家出来的慢,现在该怎么办?Turbo Granny is out of the slow home, now what?

我关心的是,亚洲妞喜欢骑哈利摩托的吗?What I want to know is Do Asian girls like Harleys?

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船只、雪上摩托、四驱搜救车以及空中搜救同时展开。A search by boat, snowmobile, 4X4s and air was launched.

她的教练骑着一辆摩托慢慢跟随着她为她测步速。Her trainer paced her on a motorcar following her slowly.

我骑车,跑步,游泳,健身,摩托越野,滑雪。I do biking, running, swimming, gym, motocross , ski-doo.

史特吉斯的集会被称作摩托运动的庆典。The Sturgis Rally is called a celebration of motorcycling.

在滑雪或者雪上摩托时要戴上头盔。Wear a helmet while skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling.

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一个踏板摩托直流电打火器多少钱?Be how much a treadle motorcycle direct current fire maker?

年轻人骑骑摩托,打打牌,喝喝酒。Young people ride motorcycles, play snooker, and get drunk.

车尾差一点就刮到一辆三轮摩托。The tail of the car was blown to a three-wheeled motorcycle.

我的头衔是雅马哈摩托竞速管理董事。My job title is Managing Director of Yamaha Motor Racing Srl.

这艘帆船与一条摩托快艇在河中央相撞。The sailing boat fell foul of a motor speedboat in mid-river.

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不过由于哈雷摩托不再是稀罕物件,因此它也渐渐开始失去威望。But lacking scarcity, Harleys also began to lose their cachet.

我们最老的雪地摩托手93岁,他是一个优秀的驾驶者。Our oldest snowmobiler was 93, and he was an excellent driver.

摩托车骑得太快了,失去控制,摔倒在地。The motorbike was so fast that it was out of control and fell.