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打羽毛球?Play badminton?

你羽毛球打的好吗?Are you good at badminton?

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如何为顾客挑选羽毛球?How To Choose Shuttlecocks?

我们去那玩羽毛球和划船。We play badminton and row a boat.

妈妈就和姐姐打羽毛球。Mom and sister can play badminton.

我是个地地道道的羽毛球迷。I'm a dyed-in-the-wool badminton fan.

我的皮羽毛球鞋穿烂了。My leather tennis shoes are worn out.

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你第一次打羽毛球打得还不错。Not bad for first-timer at badminton.

有网球和羽毛球用的网等等。She goes in for badminton and tennis.

我要和你比赛一场羽毛球。I'll take you on in a game of badminton.

有网球和羽毛球用的网等等。Nets for tennis and badminton and so on.

还有,跆拳道、羽毛球,There's, you know, taekwondo, badminton,

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我喜欢的篮球和羽毛球。I like playing basketball and badminton.

“超级丹”成就了自己在羽毛球界的全满贯!"Super Dan" wrapped badminton Grand Slam!

生活就是一场羽毛球比赛,打吧!Life like a badminton match, just play it!

通化市里哪有羽毛球管?How can the city of Tonghua Badminton tube?

我喜欢排球、羽毛球,还有游泳。I like volley-ball, badminton and swimming.

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奥运会羽毛球比赛有混双吗?Do the Olympics have mixed doubles badminton?

我们星期二经常一起打羽毛球。On Tues. , we always play badminton together.

其实我羽毛球和台球也打得不错啦!I'm also fond of billard ball and shuttlecock.