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她的突然结婚成了街谈巷议的话题。Her sudden marriage is the talk of the street.

最近,硬件加速成为人们街谈巷议的一个主要话题。Hardware Acceleration is a major topic these days.

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近年来,国崛起成为街谈巷议的话题。China's rise has been on everyone's lips in recent years.

口蹄疫成了街谈巷议的热门话题。Foot- and –mouth disease has become a hot topic of gossip.

现在,巴蒂罗姆成了纽约街谈巷议的热门人物,甚至比以往更为热门。And Bartiromo is the talk of the town, even more than usual.

最近纽约舞台上出现裸体的事情已经成为街谈巷议的话题。Recent nudity on the New York stage has been the talk of the town.

新图书馆外面的那尊现代雕塑成了街谈巷议的话题。The modern sculpture outside the new library is the talk of the town.

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牠只花了几天就学会这些动作,现在牠已成为那霸街谈巷议的话题了。It took him only a few days to learn the motions. Now he is the talk of the town.

学会这些动作它只花了几天时间,现在这条小狗成了街谈巷议的话题。It took him only a few days to learn the motions, and now he is the talk of the town.

和平是村民们和政府工作人员的主要话题,也是其他人街谈巷议的话题。It’s the main topic of conversation in villages, government offices and on street corners.

这是一出由街谈巷议和左邻右舍的传说一点点拼凑而成的有悲伤情调的短剧。It was a melancholy little drama, woven from bits and scraps of gossip and neighborhood legend.

至于阿斯帕西娅的“行径”当然更成为街谈巷议的果实累累的园地了。The "goings on" of Aspasia were of course a fruitful vineyard for the inventions of the street.

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至于阿斯帕西娅的“行径”当然更成为街谈巷议的果实累累的园地了。The "goings on" of aspasia were of course a fruitful vineyard for the inventions of the street.

这是一出由街谈巷议和左邻右舍的传说一点点拼凑而成的有悲伤情调的短剧。It was a melancholy little drama, woven from bits and scraps of gossip and neighbourhood legend.

报纸提供的第一个功能,便是以前村庄里的街谈巷议所起的功能。The first function which a newspaper supplies is that which formerly was performed by the village gossip.

某次足球赛中发生的事故可能有好几天都出现在新闻上,因为这是时下街谈巷议的主要话题。An incident at a football match may be in the news for several days because it’s the main topic of conversation in town.

中国主席胡锦涛正在美国访问,有关中国不断增长的经济实力成为街谈巷议的话题。With Hu Jintao, China’s president, currently visiting the United States, stories about growing Chinese economic might are everywhere.

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关于马来西亚公共洗手间卫生状况的问题已经成为人们街谈巷议的一个热门话题,外国游客对此更是怨声载道,他们声称那些地方总是显得很脏而且缺乏诸如香皂和卫生纸等必备物品。The state of Malaysia's public toilets has become a hot-button issue, with tourists saying they were often dirty and lacked basic items such as soap and paper.

驱车百里,扶老携幼,街谈巷议,经久不息的谢幕掌声,蔚为大观,宛若中国文化的一次盛大庆典。Drove Barry young and old, town talk and unremitting applause for the curtain call, could fill volumes, just like in a grand celebration of Chinese culture. The U.

佩帕站在圣像后面偷听着外面的街谈巷议,脸上红一阵、白一阵,好像魔鬼把一切痛苦都赶到了她面前。Peppa listened behind the blessed pictures to all that was said outside in the street, and she went white and red, as if the devil were blowing all hell in her face.