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假如它是个好工作,我们就顺水推舟。If it's a good one, then we'll make it work for us.

过放荡不羁的生活,容易得像顺水推舟,但是要结识良朋益友,却难如登天。A lead a fast life, was as easy as it, but to meet friends, but impossible.

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变化是我们都必须面对的,去接受或者去抗争或者去顺水推舟。Change is something we have to deal with, to accept or to fight or to help bring about.

宣祖顺水推舟把责任推给了光海君,并下令废除抚军司。XuanZu show pass the buck to the light, the sea king and ordered to abolish FuJun division.

刘三把重庆来人交给江川请功,江川顺水推舟,她制定了“借刀杀人”的计划。Liu three handed jiangchuan chongqing people like, jiangchuan show, she made the plan of impeded.

当生活心怀歹毒地将一切都搞成了黑色幽默,我顺水推舟把自己变成了一个受过高等教育的流氓。When life spiteful everything into black humor, I yielded to themselves into a highly educated rogue.

民族村前的潺潺溪流,会顺水推舟,引领游人到天然植物园去一饱眼福。Walk along the purling stream of the Minority Village, tourists will go to our Botanical Gargen with curiosity.

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杉木没有上当,顺水推舟地让冯泰答应反正,迷惑黄鸣锋,并放出消息,押送战俘的时间提前到明天凌晨。Fir the bait, seized upon Feng Tai promised to anyway, huang feng, and release news, escorted prisoners of war ahead of time to tomorrow morning.

既然是够朋友的哥们,只好顺水推舟支持他的收购行动,无论如何,工厂得到注资对自己也有利。As a friend indeed Steven has to make use of the opportunity to do him a favor. Anyway the factory will have money to operate and he Steven has benefit in it.

一些双性恋运动者要么试图纠正这个桥的比喻,要么顺水推舟将其作为一个精神象征,但他们没有弄清楚这个“桥”一直以来被当作怎样的一个意象使用。Some bisexual activists have either tried to reclaim the bridge metaphor or have seized upon it as a mental image without realising how it was already being used.

这样的君主国可以被称为公民君主国,获得这样的国家不完全取决于才干,也不取决于命运,而是精明的顺水推舟。This can be called a civil principality, the acquisition of which neither depends completely upon virtue nor upon Fortune, but instead upon a fortunate astuteness.

今年,随着大盘持续上攻,投资人也顺水推舟,把钱投入股市,等候拉回讯号更明显的时机.As the market continued to climb this year, investors went with the rising tide and put money to work in equities, biding their time until a pullback appears more likely.

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于是,相对论效应的时间膨胀就可顺水推舟,以正比于能量的状态帮我们延长缈子的生命,再让传统加速器从容接手。At that point, relativistic time dilation helps out, extending the muons ' lifetime in proportion to the energy achieved, providing more time for a conventional accelerator to take over.

尽管改革不能保证印度不会重蹈1991年前的覆辙,但是辛格还是打算顺水推舟,推行了一些非必要的措施来解决迫在眉睫的危机。Mr Singh made a virtue of this necessity, pushing through measures that were not strictly required to resolve the immediate crisis, although they did help ensure India never suffered a repeat.

而我出的‘写一本书’的馊点子,实际上是一个动力,我顺水推舟地逼迫自己作出了决定,让整理思想不再是一个想法,而是一种压力,一种责任。And the lousy idea of 'writing a book' turned out to be the motivation with which I forced myself to make a decision and turned organizing thoughts from a mere thought to pressure and obligation.