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用户体验情节串连图板。User experience storyboard.

你能匀出你的画图板吗?。You are sure you can spare the drawing-board?

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画图板有新的笔刷样式、形状和网格支持。Paint has new brush strokes, shapes, and grid support.

已将所有必要原语添加到设计图板中。All the required primitives have been added to the canvas.

如果是的话,要使用情节串连图板、3D图像、还是塑料模型?If so, will storyboards, 3D graphics, or plastic models be used?

上述成果提交形式为A3文本、A1图板及光盘。The above shall be submitted in A3 text, A1 drawing board and disks.

用赌场图板和魔法书屋图板的走廊与仪式大厅图板相连接。Use the corridors to link the Gambling Den and the Scriptorium to the Ritual Chamber.

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你后天就可以把情节图板给制作出来,剧本也可以立刻写出来。Then you can crank out the storyboard the next day, and have a script written up right away.

在电影开拍前的策划阶段,他与德里克·汤普森共同绘制了分镜串连图板。He, along with Derek Thompson, helped to develop the sequence in preproduction through storyboards.

而是让他们自由发挥想象去拼凑出他们想要的,这比图板游戏本身有价值得多。But I let them do it because I figure their imagination is more valuable than the price of a board game.

日本和韩国,在他们政府的帮助下,只要美国的技术一离开设计图板就把它偷走了。Japan and Korea purloin American technology as it comes off the drawing boards with the help of their governments.

在任何与用户进行交互的程序中,您首先应该做的都是绘制流的示意图或串连图板,或者与用户进行对话。In any program that interacts with a user, you should first diagram or storyboard the flow or dialog with the user.

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采用摄动法和幂级数方法,得到了波纹图板的弹性特征。The elastic characteristics of corrugated ciraclar plates are obtained by using the perturbation and power series method.

用户体验情节串连图板是用户体验模型的子集,用于描述与系统用例有关的屏幕。User-experience storyboards are subsets of the user-experience model used to describe the screens involved with system use cases.

龙形图案卡依据上面的数字不同分为四种小图板,把每种小图板放置在主图板上对应位置。Separate the dragon medallion cards into four piles according to number, and place each pile on their corresponding space on the board.

情节串联图板也被证明在设计用于用户接口的测试实例时是有效的。Storyboards have also been proven effective in designing the test cases for the User Interface, as a set of paths through the state machine.

为了进一步增强这一模型的用途,情节串连图板可以被拍成电影并进行修改,可以加上临时的音效和配乐。The storyboards can be filmed and edited, and temporary sound effects and music can be added, just to further enhance the model's usefulness.

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“还有一点也很重要,就是不要去教孩子们该如何去玩,”她说道,“我不会告诉你需要多少片图板才能拼出另一个东西。“The other key is not to instruct kids how to play with something,” she said. “I can’t tell you how many board-game pieces have been turned into something else.

“还有一点也很重要,就是不要去教孩子们该如何去玩,”她说道,“我不会告诉你需要多少片图板才能拼出另一个东西。“The other key is not to instruct kids how to play with something, ” she said. “I can’t tell you how many board-game pieces have been turned into something else.

文中利用射影几何中射线比的特殊性质,解决了透视灭点在图板外的透视图画法。According to the nature of projective scale, it has solved the problem of drawing a cars perspective when perspective vanishing point is out of the drafting board.