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我们已经实现了安定团结。We have achieved genuine stability and unity.

第二,要有一个安定团结的政治局面。Second, it is essential to maintain political stability and unity.

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完善社会管理,维护社会安定团结。Improve social management and safeguard social stability and unity.

安定团结的政治局面如果遭到破坏,调整工作就根本无法进行。If stability and unity are disrupted, readjustment will be out of the question.

人民需要一个安定团结的政治局面,对大规模的运动厌烦了。They want political stability and unity. They are fed up with large-scale movements.

有人臆想我们在分析破坏中国安定团结局面的后果。Imagine we were analyzing the consequences of a threat to China's stability and cohesion.

没有安定团结生动活泼的政治局面,搞四个现代化就不行。If we do not establish such a political situation, the four modernizations cannot be realized.

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要安定团结,就必须消除派性,增强党性。In order to achieve stability and unity, we must eliminate factionalism and enhance Party spirit.

没有一个安定团结的政治局面,就不能安下心来搞建设。Without political stability and unity, it would be impossible for us to settle down to construction.

那就一定要在不妨碍安定团结的条件下实现生动活泼。We should try to achieve liveliness on condition that stability and unity are not adversely affected.

下岗和失业不仅影响着我国经济的持续发展,而且还影响着我国社会的安定团结。The problem of layoff and unemployment affects not only steady increase in our national economies, but also social order.

官方只会反对那些给政府的安定团结和管理带来威胁的群体,同性恋群体也不例外。As with other groups, official opposition to gays occurs only when the government feels threatened by unity or organizing.

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全党同志和全国各族人民,都要努力维护安定团结的政治局面。All Party members and the people of all nationalities must strive to maintain the political situation of stability and unity.

就像少数民族一样,只有政府的安定团结和管理受到威胁时,官方才会反对同性恋群体。As with minorities, official opposition to gay groups occurs only when the government feels threatened by unity or organizing.

阐述了思想政治工作是高校其它一切工作的生命线,是实现高校安定团结的中心环节。Ideological and political work is lifeline for other work and key link to carry out the stability and unity of higher institutions.

我认为业余爱好对社会生活是有益的,人们要是专注于业余爱好,有利于社会的安定团结。Yes. I think hobby is advantageous to social life. People will engage in their hobby and the stability of the society will be increased.

然而,刚性维权机制无法有效面对"维护社会安定团结"的要求。However, the mechanism of "maintaining rigid right" can not effectively meeting the requirements of "maintaining social stability and unity".

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就谈不上安定团结,什么建设改革、振兴中华,都将成为空话。Stability and unity would BE out of the question, and the construction, reform and rejuvenation of China would BEcome no more than empty words.

要实现安定团结、生动活泼的政治局面,必须解决历史的遗留问题,弄清大是大非。To bring about such a political situation, we must solve problems inherited from the past and distinguish between right and wrong on major issues.

两国的改革开放同样需要一个内部安定团结、周边和平友好的环境。Environment that the reform and opening-up of two countries need a piece of inside too stable and untidily , peaceful and friendly in the perimeter.