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他们既得到了我们的物质上的支持也得到我们精神上的声援。They were supported by us both materially and spiritually.

我们的组织内有没有可以声援这个项目的人?Is there someone to champion the project within our organisation?

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场上场下,布里奇都得到了很多善意的声援。Bridge has enjoyed a groundswell of goodwill from within the game.

现在声援这个运动,点击这里签请愿书。Add your voice to the campaign now – click here to sign the petition

几百人包围南九龙裁判署声援受审示威者。Support in South Kowloon Magistracy , Yau Ma Tei Over a hundred people.

这份心理学著作是否声援了默里引起争议的主张呢?Does the psychological literature support Murray's controversial claims?

北京奥申委声援团是什么组织?What are the "Supporters Group" of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid Committee?

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美国要旗帜鲜明地谴责阿萨德,并声援反对他的人。The United States should loudly denounce Assad and voice support his opponents.

目前已有355人签署了中文声援,有4393人签署了英文声援。So far 4393 people have signed the English petition, and 355 the Chinese petition.

目前已有358人签署了中文声援,有4405人签署了英文声援。So far 4405 people have signed the English petition, and 358 the Chinese petition.

目前已有363人签署了中文声援,有4418人签署了英文声援。So far 4418 people have signed the English petition, and 363 the Chinese petition.

目前已有367人签署了中文声援,有4442人签署了英文声援。So far 4442 people have signed the English petition, and 367 the Chinese petition.

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目前已有370人签署了中文声援,有4493人签署了英文声援。So far 4493 people have signed the English petition, and 370 the Chinese petition.

目前已有376人签署了中文声援,有4514人签署了英文声援。So far 4514 people have signed the English petition, and 376 the Chinese petition.

目前已有384人签署了中文声援,有4532人签署了英文声援。So far 4532 people have signed the English petition, and 384 the Chinese petition.

目前已有386人签署了中文声援,有4543人签署了英文声援。So far 4543 people have signed the English petition, and 386 the Chinese petition.

目前已有392人签署了中文声援,有4557人签署了英文声援。So far 4557 people have signed the English petition, and 392 the Chinese petition.

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目前已有393人签署了中文声援,有4563人签署了英文声援。So far 4563 people have signed the English petition, and 393 the Chinese petition.

目前已有404人签署了中文声援,有4573人签署了英文声援。So far 4573 people have signed the English petition, and 404 the Chinese petition.

目前已有410人签署了中文声援,有4587人签署了英文声援。So far 4587 people have signed the English petition, and 410 the Chinese petition.