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得不偿失。The gain is outweighed by the loss.

这就是为什么我把这看作一种得不偿失。This is why I say this is a Pyrrhic victory.

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他们为自己得不偿失的胜利而兴奋。They get excited about their Pyrrhic victory.

对于巴西尔登地方议会来说,这个胜利得不偿失。This is a Pyrrhic victory for Basildon council.

而其实人是不可琢磨的,琢磨人是最得不偿失的。But man is not over, consider people are most pyrrhic victory.

她窥探孩子行动的计划得不偿失,反而失去了他们的信任。Her plan to snoop on the kids backfired and they lost their trust in her.

在经济衰退时,配股发行就好象是将更多的钱扔进燃烧着的旧钱堆里,得不偿失。In recessions, rights issues can seem like chucking good money after bad.

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要宣扬你的公司——不要去破坏——是得不偿失的。Getting the word out about your company--without going broke--is no mean feat.

总的来说,监管只能束缚金融业,得不偿失。In general, using regulation to create a pared-down financial industry will be costly.

力求避免打那种得不偿失的、或得失相当的消耗战。Strive to avoid battles of attrition in which we lose more than we gain or only break even.

虽然说不上是浪费,但与取得的成果相比就得不偿失了。Not necessarily wasted, but poorly spent because the results could have been so much better.

虽然这种说法具有一定的概念逻辑,但在现实中这样做往往会得不偿失。Although there is a conceptual logic to this, in reality you usually lose more than you gain.

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有些衣物则不宜用洗衣机洗涤,否则将得不偿失。Some clothes are not the advisability of using either washing machines wash, or it will lose.

从经济上来说,这可能得不偿失,但这是一种经历,它会让你的简历闪光。It might not be worth it financially, but it’s an experience, and it makes your profile shine.

涉毒违法的法律惩处很严,比如会连带失去助学贷款等,得不偿失。Penalties for drug-related offenses are harsh and can include loss of benefits like student loans.

的好处,有一个扫描被认为是得不偿失的任何风险,它被普遍认为是非常安全的。The benefits of having a scan are thought to outweigh any risks and it is generally considered very safe.

在各大国的兴衰起伏之中,有一个教训,是我们中国人一直铭记着的,那就是侵略得不偿失。In the rise and fall of great powers, one lesson the Chinese always learn is that aggression will not pay.

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但最近在一所医院进行一项研究发现,用这种水龙头节约水可能得不偿失。But a new study at one hospital finds that these devices may not always be worth the savings in water use.

如果我卖了它,我家里的人都会责备我,所以我不会做这种得不偿失的事。If I sold it, all members of my family would blame me, so I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water.

一大把年纪很难构成做青年老师的好条件,因为它得不偿失、功不补患。Age is no better hardly so well qualified for an instructor as youth for it has not profited so much as it has lost.