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一个未婚夫和未婚妻。A fiance and fiancee.

我的未婚妻……苏珊。This is my fiancee, Susannah.

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我的未婚妻,在风中摇逸。Oh my fiancee. blows in the wind.

介意俄叫你未婚妻吗?Do yuo mind if I call you fiancee?

詹娜,这是温迪,我的未婚妻。Jenna , this is Wendy, my fiancee.

他的未婚妻为他织了一件套头毛衣。His fiancee knitted him a pullover.

那么,朱丽倩是他的女朋友,未婚妻还是妻子?So, is Chu his girlfriend, fiance or wife?

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弗兰克在西班牙度假时和他的未婚妻相遇了。Frank met his fiancee on a holiday in Spain.

这是英国王子和他的未婚妻。It's for the British prince and his fiancee.

的未婚妻是个有前途的青年舞蹈家。His fiancee is a promising young terpsichorean.

你和你的未婚妻将面临刽子手的套索。You and your fiancee face the hangman 's noose.

的未婚妻是个有前途的青年舞蹈家。Young lady man is a promising young terpsichorean.

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与其说她是他的女友,,不如说是他的未婚妻。She is more likely his fiancee than his girlfriend.

我需要一个律师来处理我的未婚妻“的文件工作?Do I need an attorney to process my fiancés' paper work?

他在春游中爱上的那个女孩是他现在的未婚妻。That girl he fell for at that outing is now his fiancée.

我过去住在芬兰,我未婚妻是芬兰人。I used to live in Finland and my fiancee is from Finland,

我想我的未婚妻会喜欢商店橱窗的那件羊毛衫的。I think my fiancee may favor the sweater in the shop window.

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1867年路德维希二世和他的未婚妻索菲公爵夫人在巴伐利亚。Ludwig II and his fiance, Duchess Sophie in Bavaria in 1867.

六年前我与未婚妻第一次去了裸体海滩。My fiancee and I first went to a nudist beach six years ago.

三个王子回来向国王禀告了自己找到的未婚妻的情况。They returned to the king to tell him about their betrothed.