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一只饥饿的豺狗早己把尸首拖入自己的洞穴。A hungry jackal had dragged it to his lair.

让他的尸首去夸耀它的陋穴和骨灰瓮。His corse may boast its urn and narrow cave.

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让他们的尸首去炫耀坟穴和骨灰瓮。His corpse may boast its urn and narrow cave.

他潜入水底找寻尸首。He dived into the water to look for the dead body.

约翰的门徒来,把尸首领去,埋葬了。John's disciples came and took his body and buried it.

松井堪介赶到,看到儿子的尸首,悲痛万分。Matsui arrived as interfaces to see sons body and grief.

在一具尸首---是个排长---的身上,他找到一个打猎用的火药瓶。On one body, that of a corporal, he found a powder-flask.

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发现里面有一具痴肥的尸首和一封联系信件。We found corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence.

发现里面有一具痴肥的尸首和一封联系信件。We found a corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence.

战争翌日,晨曦往往照着赤身露体的尸首。The dawn which follows a battle always rises on naked corpses.

既从百夫长得知实情,就把耶稣的尸首赐给约瑟。And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph.

至于你们,你们的尸首必倒在这旷野。But as for you, your carcases, they shall fall in this wilderness.

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说的是那次闻名的袭击中,尸首横陈,要辨认出身份,任务艰巨。It was quite a job to identify the bodies after the Sept. 11 attack.

继续往前走,他开始看到被打死的强盗,只数到498具尸首。Further still, he started seeing the dead robbers, until he counted 498.

在尸首上堆成一大堆石头,直存到今日。And they raised a large pile of rocks over it, which remains to this day.

没有了魔法,古灵阁坍塌成妖精尸首的巨大坟墓。Enchantment-free, Gringotts collapsed into a mass grave for goblin bodies.

尸首在那里,鹰也必聚在那里。For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

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片末的场景中,整个地球似乎变成了一座坟墓,到处散落横七竖八的尸首。At the end, it was as if the entire earth was a cemetery littered with corpses.

当葵的家人动身去洛杉矶取回她的尸首时,智回忆起了他们从没真正确立的恋爱关系。A. to retrieve Aoi's body, Tomoya recalls the love affair they never really had.

约翰的门徒听见了、就来把他的尸首领去、葬在坟墓里。On hearing of this, John's disciples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb.