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祝我久居深海,孤独终老。Wish me good deep, alone.

你会爱我到终老吗?Would you love me 'til the end?

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我不能一生终老在洗茶杯上。I cannot die washing up a tea cup.

你和我,陶德先生,我们孤独终老。You and me, Mr. Todd, we could be alone.

我将保持同样的姿态直到终老,重生。Keeping the same posture till next birth.

宁愿孤独终老,也不委屈求全。Would rather die alone, don't compromise.

这是我祖先终老的地方,这是早期移民自豪的地方。Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride.

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未觉醒者拥有外物,并被外物占有而终老。The unawakened one owns things and ends up being owned by them.

我相信作为一个诚实的人,你不大可能会在监狱里终老一生。I believe that when you'rehonest, you're less likely to end up in jail.

你不必在一个伟大城市终老就可撷取其精华。You don't have to live in a great city your whole life to benefit from it.

他鬼气森森的写到,“未来我们将很难孤独终老。”“In the future,” he writes, hauntingly, “it will be difficult to die alone.”

她可以在这里度过余生,她愿意在这里终老。Here she could stay for the rest of her life. Here she would be happy to die.

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他鬼气森森的写到,“未来我们将很难孤独终老。”"In the future, " he writes, hauntingly, "it will be difficult to die alone. "

厌恶生活的主人公作了错误的选择,孤独终老,绝望而失落。A hero bored of life, who makes bad choices and ends alone, despairing, unfulfilled.

我们这种相信存在着一个超自然世界的固有倾向将一直伴随我们到终老。Our predisposition to believe in a supernatural world stays with us as we get older.

梅花对这一切表示很开心,最近他也表示希望能够在安菲尔德终老。That would delight Meireles, who said recently he would like to stay at Anfield for life.

我们不必刻意的去在意他人的眼光,只需自我前行。一步一步与你终老。We do not deliberately look to care about others, just ahead of self. Step by step and you die.

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切尔西是一家我梦寐以求的俱乐部,并且我希望能够在这里终老。Chelsea is the team I really wanted to join and I hope this will be the last club that I play for.

这是我祖先终老的地方,这是早期移民自豪的地方,让自由之声,响彻每一座山岗。Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, From every mountainside, let freedom ring!

我的朋友说我不现实,并将会孤独终老——但我不在乎。My friends told me I was unrealistic, wackadoodle, and was going to end up alone — but I didn’t care.