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阿格雷尔有什么特别本领?What is Agrael's unique ability?

林妙可有许多本领。Linmiaoke has a lot of abilities.

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我真羡慕拉腊的烹饪本领。She just seems to have the knack.

只有人才有造句的本领。Only man has the power to do this.

“没有本领处理人的题目”?"Having No Head for Human Problems"?

仪器的分辨本领优于500。Its resolving power is higher than 500.

沙比尔先生无疑是一位很有本领的外科医生。Mr. Sapir is a surgeon of undoubted ability.

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还有许多其他方法可以证明你的数学本领呢!There are other ways to show your math chops.

我的本领就是会做香喷喷的蛋炒饭。I will do is the ability tasty Egg Fried Rice.

一个单位需要杀死3倍于他的破费的雠敌本领获取升级。A unit has to kill 3x its cost to get promoted.

演员要学会能对贬斥性评论一笑置之的本领。An actor has to learn to laugh off bad reviews.

我们快节奏工作、娱乐的本领赋予我们力量。Our ability to work and play fast gives us power.

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“先生,”那理发师说,“皇上骑马的本领高明吧?”"How did the Emperor ride, sir?" said the barber.

谢伊认为我们的祖先投掷石块的本领相当不错。Shea thinks our ancestors threw rocks pretty well.

是望远镜分辨细节的本领。This is the ability of a telescope to render detail.

他有一项传奇式的本领,就是在熟睡中学习。He had a legendary ability to learn while slumbering.

我练就一副在压力之下保持镇静的本领。I have schooled myself to remain calm under pressure.

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这是一件大事业,但是我们有足够的本领担当起来!This is a mighty task, but we are men enough to do it!

我们只好重新学习这门忘却已久的寻欢作乐曲本领。We have yet to learn again the forgotten art of gaiety.

埃莉诺跳上蹦下,急着要炫耀她的本领。Eleanor jumps up and down, eager to show off her skills.