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正是罗伯特李自己亲自经办了那次拍卖。It was Robert Lee who negotiated the auction.

还有,要支付政府经办的健康保险系统,还会提高纳税。And to pay for government health care, your taxes will be raised.

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众议院希望有一个政府经办医保的计划,跟私人保险公司竞争。The House wants a government-run health insurance plan to compete with private insurers.

第二部分扼要介绍了基督教经办的教育事业和书报事业。The second part succinctly introduces the culture and education cause run by Christianity.

信托业是专门经办各种营业信托业务的行业总称,是金融行业之一。Trust business is one of finance businesses, which specially handles various trust operations.

但是他过去经办的案件从来没有象这次调查那样重大,并让他全力以赴。But never has he handled anything quite as monumental as the investigation that is absorbing his energies today.

股票交易所还经办其余业务活动,或者经中国国民银行允许或委托的业务运动。The Excadheree accords with added business activities or casework acceptable or entdecayed by the People's Bank of China.

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新医改方案的出台,使得医保经办管理能力建设地位凸显。With the promulgation of new medical reform scheme, medical insurance handling management has become extremely important.

劳动部门设立的失业保险机构是失业保险业务的经办机构。The unemployment insurance institutions set up by Labor Department shall be in charge of the unemployment insurance business.

一切退还货品内曾支付的运费、包装及经办手续费将不会退回。All shipping, packing, handling fees paid on the original order or in returning those items to Herbalife will not be reimbursed.

本市社会保险经办机构负责城镇生育保险费的征缴工作。The municipal agencies handling social insurance are responsible for collecting and paying the urban childbearing insurance premium.

县级以上社会保险经办机构的稽核部门具体承办社会保险稽核工作。The auditing department of a social insurance agency at the county level or above shall specifically undertake the audit of social insurances.

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汉娜不久就可以住上那所房子,我留意了一下由教堂和世俗企业经办的社会服务和教育计划。And long before Hanna could have used them, I looked into the social services and educational programs run by churches and secular organizations.

至于原因,我们经办装卸的人仔细检查,结果发现果汁渗漏的原因是锡罐被损坏了。As to the causes closer inspection and examination by our cargo-handling people revealed that the leakage of juice was brought about damaged tins.

并明订所有个人资料在有授权经办之同仁或第三人,均需遵守本公司规定的保密责任。Besides, we clearly conclude that any of authorized staff or third party should obey the confidentiality responsibility established by our company.

政府经办的学校必须做到对所有公民一视同仁,不分民族、宗教背景、性别、或是否有残疾。Government-run schooling must be equally accessible to all citizens regardless of their ethnic or religious backgrounds, gender, or physical disabilities.

宾客须知本委托书由接受经办日期一个月内有效,过期后委托人所委托事项自动失效,酒店当局不接受查询,不负责博阿管票据或款项。This order is valid for one month from date of issue . After this time, the hotel will not be responsible for any inquiry, preservation of tickets or money.

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社会保险经办机构为失业人员开具领取失业保险金的单证,失业人员凭单证到指定银行领取失业保险金。Social insurance agencies shall issue documents to the unemployed on the basis of which they receive unemployment insurance compensation from designated bank.

实验所是国家计量院全球互认协定的签署成员之一,该协定由国际计量局经办。SCL is a signatory to the Global Mutual Recognition Arrangement for National Measurement Institutes operated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.

申请管理中心之管理经办或管理主管兼具交易权限者,须于右方栏位签盖原留印鑑资料。For applications of Access Operator or Access Administrator roles with transaction authority, the original specimen seal must be affixed on the right hand column.