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他们也在你的财务决算中分属不同的类别。They're also classified separately on your financial statements 4.

议决年度工作计划、报告、及预算、决算。Determination for annual working plan, report, budget, final account.

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全程参与最终验收和最终决算。Participate in the procedure of final acceptance and final settlement.

大规模输出工作,比如email操作和财务决算Large-scale output jobs such as email campaigns and financial statements

本财政状况表的决算日期必须在提出有关申请前之30日内。This statement must be made up within 30 days preceding the submission date.

国防费预算、决算由全国人民代表大会审查批准。China's defense budget and final accounts are examined and approved by the NPC.

制订公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案。Working out the company's annual financial budget plans and final account plans.

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承包商在工程所有者同意后应提交最终决算报告。Contractor shall submit final account report after construction accepted by owner.

指出了工程结算与工程决算的定义以及两者的联系与区别。There are relations and differences between project settled accounts and project final accounts.

常规的年度决算何以会忽略中国如此庞大的一块产出?How could the regular annual accounting exercise have overlooked such a large chunk of China's output?

上述密植园的成本和收益是用现金周转分析方法决算出来的。Costs and returns for orchards at the above densities were examined by the cash flow method of analysis.

申办土地证、申办房产证。进行工程决算审核、办理项目结算。To apply for the land license and real estate certificate and carry a project audit review and item settlements.

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决算不漏项,如何的在工程量、取费、子目等方面的控制最为关键。No omission is allowed and it of the greatest importance how to control quantities, expenditures and specific items.

你可以通过评论财政决算来锻炼分析能力,注意专家们看待问题的不同方面。Practice reviewing financial statements. Pay attention to the various aspects that experts in the field are looking at.

本课程主要内容包括投资估算、设计概算、施工图预算、施工预算、工程结算及竣工决算等。The main contents of this course includes the investment to estimate, design budget estimation and diagram budget, etc.

分析并审核财务数据,准备财务决算并为内部及外部的财务事宜准备相关报告。Analyze and review financial data, prepare financial statements and report for both internal and external financial issues.

本文对当前我市城建投资项目竣工财务决算的存在问题作了有益的研究分析,并对如何做好城建投资项目竣工决算工作提出了建议。In this paper the problems at present of final cost of guangzhou construction projects are studied and the suggestion are proposed.

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从总结工程决算审计内容,规范工程决算审计方法入手,较全面地探讨了工程决算审计的重点和技巧。The article generalizes contents of audit of returns of college capital construction, standardizes its focal points and techniques.

本文论述了财务年度决算的重要性以及财务报表的指导性以及不可替代性。The importance of financial affairs year final accounts and the direction can not being substitute of financial affairs is investigated.

因此,加强竣工决算的编报、审批工作意义重大。Accordingly, strengthen complete final accounting of revenue and expenditure edit a newspaper, examine and approve working meaning great.