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间谍软件是家庭电脑用户的致命伤害。Spyware is the bane of the home computer user.

罪的致命伤祸及全人类,无一幸免。The fatal flaw of sin affects every single human being.

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1984年的安全文化有致命伤,领导做出。Clearly the safety culture by 1984 has significant flaws.

小贝的脚踵,一如阿基里斯的脚踵,成为了这个男人的致命伤。Beckham's Achilles' heel, it turns out, was his Achilles heel.

泛化是许多律师,会计和网络工作者的致命伤。Overgeneralization is the bane of many a lawyer, accountant, and web worker.

Finlayson认为是坏运气与气候变化结合之后带来的致命伤害。Finlayson argues that it was a deadly combination of bad luck and climate change.

一个受致命伤的人类实在不可能对奥格瑞玛之怒构成任何威胁。One mortally injured Human would not and could not pose a threat to the Fury of Orgrimmar.

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同样,该措施也曾在北爱尔兰使用,可以疏散人群并不造成致命伤。Again, this is used in Northern Ireland and credited with dispersing crowds without fatalities.

亲密伴侣的暴力行为在美国是造成妇女非致命伤害的主要原因。Violence by an intimate partner is the leading cause of non-fatal injuries to women in the USA.

自从美国领导的军队2001年摧毁了伊斯兰政权后,暴力事件就是阿富汗的致命伤。Violence in Afghanistan is at its deadliest since US-led troops toppled the Islamist regime in 2001.

一城一公司,没有竞争,这是当前私人保镖服务业的致命伤。A city company, without competition, it is the Achilles' heel of the current private bodyguard services.

作为一个职业网页设计师,设计糟糕的导航栏是少数能说得上来的致命伤之一。Badly-designed navigation is one of the few truly mortal sins that you can commit as a web professional.

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对于那些被下落子弹击中的人来说,受致命伤的概率比典型的枪击致伤要高得多。For those hit by falling bullets, the chance of the wound being fatal was far higher than a typical shooting.

法家的严刑峻法、重赋繁役,恰恰成为秦统治者谋求长治久安的致命伤。Legalists of severe penalties, re-Fu-fan service, it seeks to become the ruler of Qin fatal long-term stability.

但是在求学阶段,啦啦队引起的重伤和致命伤的案例要远远超过其他的女性运动项目。But cheerleading caused more serious and deadly injuries by far than other female sports during the study period.

今天一场死因聆讯指出,一名妇女走过一块田地时,因被奶牛踩踏而受到致命伤。A woman suffered fatal injuries when she was trampled by cows as she walked across a field, an inquest heard today.

但使徒行传却说犹大在一块田地中坠地,腹部受了致命伤而暴死。But in Acts, he is described as throwing himself down violently in a field, rending his stomach with a fatal wound.

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如果糟糕的官员是伊拉克现在的致命伤,那么我们便不需要这么紧张伊拉克的发展。If terrible politicians are Iraq's biggest problem now, then the rest of us don't need to worry about it quite so much.

亚瑟王率军与莫德雷德作战,在战斗中杀死莫德雷德,但自己也受了致命伤,不久死去。In a battle between the forces of the two men, Arthur killed Modred but he mimself was seriously wounded and soon died.

联发芯片组的致命伤是其并不支持3g标准,这是一个棘手的技术问题。What proved to be the fatal flaw in MediaTek's chipsets is that they don't support 3G, a much trickier set of technologies.