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彼得,住嘴!Shut up, Peter!

你从来不住嘴。You never shut up.

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他命令你住嘴。He ordered you to shut up.

哦,住嘴,别打扰我!Oh, dry up and leave me alone!

先是吃了顶上一层,然后吃了一半,最后……”“你给我住嘴!”First top off, then half done, then --.

罗杰的脸又变红了。“住嘴,黛安娜!”Roger's face went red again.‘Be quiet,Diane!’

“坐下,住嘴!”艾迪小姨怒吼着。"Sit down and shut up! " Aunt Addie bellowed.

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哦,我真不该说这些给你,我真该住嘴了。Oh, if inly I hadn't said that, if only I had held my tongue.

哈伦发现莉莎被捆绑住并被东西塞住嘴,他解救了她。When Harlan goes to rescue Lisa, he finds her bound and gagged.

住嘴,你只要记住最后一点就够了,那就是只要允许。Shut up, you just remember last point is enough, that's just allow.

大概,唯一能让卡尔和其他人住嘴的是新弹头。Presumably, the only thing that will mollify Kyl and others would be new warheads.

有时候我就想站起来说他妈的住嘴,我已经做到了那些,你们呢?And sometimes I want to stand up and say hang on fucker , I already did that. What have you done?

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脖子上的大手帕围巾可以拉起盖住嘴和鼻孔以防灰尘进入。The bandana handkerchief tied around the neck could be lifted to cover mouth and nostrils from dust.

很好——当女士们自认为在一场争论中是正确的,而且需要你住嘴的时候,她们会用这个词作为结束语。FINE — This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up.

如果你的脑袋里一直装着这些想法,那么最后在你做这样的评论前,你会突然住嘴。If you keep thinking these thoughts to yourself, you’ll eventually catch yourself before you make the remark.

在传统观念中认为肥胖是营养过剩病,所以减肥就是应该管住嘴减少食物的摄入量。In the traditional view that obesity is excess nutrient disease, so the diet should be reduced food intake pipe.

他每次管不住嘴乱吃东西我都知道,因为那样的话他的眼睛下方就会冒出很多小疙瘩来。“梅斯尼尔说。"I knew every time that he had been a bad boy because he would get a lot of pockets under his eyes, "Mesnier said.

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我在打扮,舅母一直不住嘴地讲呀,说呀,好象是在传道似的。And there was my aunt, all the time I was dressing, preaching and talking away just as if she was reading a sermon.

“他每次管不住嘴乱吃东西我都知道,因为那样的话他的眼睛下方就会冒出很多小疙瘩。”梅斯尼尔说。"I knew every time that he had been a bad boy because he would get a lot of pockets under his eyes, " Mesnier said.

要平息这场外交小风波、让美国住嘴,北京要做的恐怕只是年内和东盟签署南中国海行为准则。In fact, to quell this little diplomatic storm-and shut the Americans up-all Beijing has to do is to sign the South China Sea Code of Conduct with ASEAN.