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我赞赏这种承诺。I applaud this commitment.

他是个令人赞赏的主人。He does the host admirably.

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如果愚者赞赏,更差!If the fool applauds, worse!

没有人会赞赏狡狯的人。No one can admire a deceitful man.

李肇星对此表示赞赏。Li expressed appreciation for this.

对于梅雷莱斯,国王也是大加赞赏。There was also praise for Meireles.

人们都赞赏他的品格。People all appreciate his integrity.

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杰克得到他妻子的赞赏而洋洋得意。Jack basked in his wife's admiration.

还有人对冯英龙的勇气表示了赞赏。Some viewers have praised his courage.

他们对那美丽的花园赞赏不已。They admired the beauty of the garden.

赞赏着它,徒劳地做着零与零的加法。Admiring it and adding noughts in vain.

我很赞赏他在足球运动方面的成就。I rate him highly as a football player.

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中方对刚方上述立场表示高度赞赏。China highly appreciates such a position.

赞赏自己的每个成就吧。Recognize every one of your achievements.

沈王爷回到他的父母那里期待能够得到赞赏。Shen returned to his parents for a pride.

她的导师对她的作品大加赞赏。Her tutor assented to her writing greatly.

我带着赞赏的心情听着和望着玛格丽特。I heard and saw Marguerite with admiration.

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你会充满赞赏和崇拜之情。Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you.

殷先生对我的工作极为赞赏。Mr. Yin was most complimentary about my work.

关注是无声的,绵绵不断的赞赏。Attention is a tacit and continual compliment.