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主考人伤心地看着我。The examiner looked at me sadly.

主考人伤心地看著我。The examiner looked at me sadly.

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他是理科主考人之一。He is one of the science examine rs.

主考人伤心地看着我。The examiner looked at me sadly.‘Mr.

主考人试图挑我的错。The examiners tried to catch me out.

主考人评定全部考生合格。The examiners passed all the candidates.

主考者评定半数应试者不及格。The examiners failed half the candidates.

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主考人必须清楚地提出他的问题。An examiner must frame his question clearly.

主考人设问题时必须表达清楚。An examiner must frame his questions clearly.

申请考试者需向主考单位缴纳考试费。Candidates have to pay the fees for the test.

在主考人员到达之前我们必须准备就绪。We must square away before the examiners arrive.

主考人严厉地考问学生三个钟头。The examiner grilled the students for three hours.

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你给主考留下了很好的印象。You made a favourable impression on the examiners.

主考人必须清楚地提出他的问题。The examiner must be trained in the use of the test.

主考人对我的表现想必是满意的。The examiner must have been pleased with my performance.

主考人对我的驾驶想必是满意的。The examiner must have been pleased with my performance.

主考者可挑选任何学生来回答问题。The examiners can pick on any student to answer questions.

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主考人可以指定任何一个学生来回答问题。The examiners can pitch on any student to answer questions.

不要锋芒毕露。让主考控制面试过程。Display reserved confidence. Let the interviewer control the interview.

这是一种主考人喜欢抓住的粗心错误。This is the kind of careless mistake on which examiners love to pounce.