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这是相当令人着迷的。It's quite fascinating.

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这个人令我着迷。This man fascinated me.

小妞都对独角兽着迷。Chicks are into unicorns.

他对花园十分着迷He's fascinated by gardens.

去你为我着迷场电影奈何样?。How aspell going to a film?

我对摇滚音乐很着迷。I am crazy about rock music.

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萝丝相当着迷于安迪。Rose is quite mad about Andy.

在繁星点点的夏夜之浪漫中着迷。The romance of a starlit night.

你知道他对她多着迷吗?。Did you see how he dotes on her?

我着迷于美国电影。I'm crazy about Amercian movies.

这项工程似乎令他着迷。The project seems to obsess him.

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这是一次令人着迷的经历。It was a spellbinding experience.

但是木琴却是如此让人着迷。But the marimba was so intriguing.

有些人发现中国文化令人着迷。Some find the culture fascinating.

她的花样让我着迷。She hypnotized me with her designs.

长久以来,我对法祖尔比较着迷。I had long been fascinated by Fazul.

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你为什么对信件这么着迷呢?Why are you so fascinated by letters?

比那高高的梧桐树还让我着迷。Lovelier to see than tall plane trees.

命理学让我很着迷。Numerology fascinates me a great deal.